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  1. Long shot, but is it still available?
  2. I thought this app thing was supposed to make things simple and easy!?! Thank god I’ve got a season ticket card. Knew it’d cause issues, and I suspect this will only be the start of the issues
  3. Agree to a point. But in my view we are desperate for a destroyer…….in the mould of Wanyama to play alongside Downes, as opposed to a supporting actor. Oh, and a GK, ST as well please
  4. Pretty happy with my adult renewal, but quite shocked that my son’s U14 renewal has gone from £150 to £225 which is a 50% increase! A bit of a kick in the proverbials. In terms of digital ticketing, this is clearly about saving them money (which in principle I wouldn’t be opposed to). However, there will be season ticket holders who don’t have/use/understand/want smart phones, and whilst I’m sure they’ll have some kind of “fall back”, I suspect they’ll make it as difficult as possible to avoid the digitisation they are intent on. I have real concerns about how this will end up working, especially given their track record over many years of “struggling” with IT systems, seen as recently as the handling of the play off final tickets. I don’t imagine there will be many of our supporters who have full faith in the clubs handling of computer systems and anything digital! I fully expect to see carnage when the new season starts, and as mentioned above, there could be issues around phone charge, “IT” problems, signal, data connection and probably some others I’ve not thought of. I’ll do what I can to avoid this one I think
  5. I beg to disagree. No communication, random mailings that bear no resemblance to when you’ve actually renewed. Just some idea of when to expect something I’ve paid hundreds of pounds for isn’t too much to ask is it? Can you honestly tell me that you trust the ticket office (or their outsourced partners!)? My experience over many years has led to some keen distrust they’ll actually get things right and not f them up. I expect I’m not the only one.
  6. Mine came yesterday in the end. Seems to be the same shambles every year to be fair
  7. Cool. I’ll look when I get home tonight. Just don’t trust the ticket office not to F things up!
  8. Anyone got any idea when the club plan on sending the season tickets out?
  9. So, with the hints (through messages and emails) of impending season ticket news being released for next season, what are peoples thoughts? I’m going with a £50 increase, although I think they’re already plenty expensive enough!! I just can’t see another price freeze, but I’d be happy to be proved wrong. What with the cost of living crisis I think the club will need to be very careful with their pricing structure for next season
  10. Seems I was right Charlie 😉
  11. I hope your right, but I believe it will be a back 3 with wing backs. I expect an unusual/surprising choice for one of the wing backs. My views on this are reflected in my comment where I’ve said I’m unsure how I feel about it. I’ve never particularly liked seeing us play with a back 3 if I’m honest. although I may be wrong of course
  12. It will be a back 3 tonight, with wing backs. Not sure how I feel about that TBH
  13. Nope. I think it’s just a simple equation of it being used in the way we all thought it was going to be used in the first place. A bit of competence and common sense thrown in wouldn’t go amiss either. I think one of the big issues (in addition to the lack of competence) is that rules and interpretation keep changing, seemingly on a whim in response to someone kicking up a stink about a decision that didn’t go their way. Wasn’t it always previously the case that rules and regulations changed during close season and officials along with clubs got the time to get their heads around the changes?
  14. Well, got something from the club, but it was a debit rather than a refund. Someone has balls’ed up and charged me rather than refunded. Hopefully I’m the only one
  15. Good point. I say though just be clear, open and honest. It’s not difficult and I’m pretty sure most people would accept that. If they’d said we’d get a pro rata refund at the end of the season I personally would have been fine with that. Just don’t play with words and deceive. That really does destroy trust and good will
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