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dave watson

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Everything posted by dave watson

  1. Nice one,thanks
  2. Anyone know when the draw is for the next round (not tempting fate I hope!) Dosen't appear to be Monday night at 7 as the first 3 rounds were. Thanks
  3. He used to come out at pre kick off at The Dell with a net full of practise balls, then as the warm up finished, the players would try to kick the footballs back in his net! He's still there on match days at St Mary's around the players entrance, dressing room and around players tunnel. He's been at the club over 20 years or more? I think he is called Graham Le Saux. I may be getting confused but I definitely saw him holding his ball bag by a players entrance once!
  4. Chris Kamara said on SSN he was pulled by the club at the last minute.
  5. Just telling you what I've heard, from a member of the first team squad, through a good friend of his: Apparently, a mountain has been made of a molehill, Cortese and Maurice aren't going anywhere. Passing it on, make up your own minds. Sounds about right but why would Maurice feel the need to go on the radio and say that if Cortese goes he goes.Surley he would stay quiet? need to go on the radio and
  6. Anyone know why Forren is not getting a run out in these games. I think he has only had a half for the National team since the season finished in Norway.
  7. Or get behind the team I have supported for 47 years rather than boo some twxt who has only been around for 3 years and is not bigger than OUR club!
  8. I thought Spider was mom. He was very good both halves. lots of other good performances notably Ramirez, Clyne at left back and Fox left back in the changing room!
  9. The last few lunch time kick off's againt the skates the bars in the ground have not been open before the game but are open at half time. Beer is shxx but a quick beer before 90 minutes of non stop singing would be good.
  10. connolly is injured according to South to Day
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