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Everything posted by NSS

  1. Actually it was intended as a party political broadcast on behalf of the Saints Party. Like I said, it's not important (certainly not to me) which consortium ends up buying Saints, merely that one of them does. Speculating as to whether Pinnacle's lot, Mark Jackson or Uncle Tom Cobbley has the financial muscle to get your club moving in the right direction again, never mind casting doubt on their or anyone else's motives, seems to me to serve no purpose other than paint a picture of divided fans whose support for any new regime cannot be counted upon. I don't know Jackson or Uncle Tom so I can't vouch for them. I do know Tony and so all I'm saying is that if this were happening to Pompey right now then I'd be giving any and all potential bidders the time and blessing to conclude a deal that just might keep my club alive.
  2. Blue View - As I don't have posting rights to start a new thread, I'll add this in here, but feel free to paste it into a new thread if you feel it appropriate. I’ve been reading this forum with more than a passing interest for the past week or so, not with morbid curiosity, nor even out of any twisted desire to see you all suffering. Yes, I’m a Pompey fan, but as certain posters on here who know me (Weston Saint included) will attest to, I hold no malice toward Saints fans. Sure I enjoy a bit of banter with our local rivals, but at the end of the day you’re no different to me – you just happen to support the wrong club – and I know how I’ve felt in the past when Pompey have faced similar circumstances (and how much I fear facing the same choices again in the future). So, to the point of my post. I happen to be a good friend of Tony Lynam and I think it only right that you should be aware of just how hard he is working in an effort to put a deal together that will not merely satisfy the administrator and creditors, but will offer your club a stable future. I don’t know the details of the package they’re putting together, I don’t know the name(s) of the person/people he and his team are representing, and I can’t even tell you if they have or haven’t yet tabled a formal bid, but I do know that they’re working their socks off to do so. How do I know? Because he’s told me so. That may not be good enough for you, but it's good enough for me. Okay, so some of you have Google’d Pinnacle and concluded that they’re not themselves financial heavyweights, but (even if true) that doesn’t mean they’re not well connected – and believe me, they are. Indeed, if the investor(s) they are representing does(do) ultimately end up buying SFC, then I'll wager that the deal won’t come close in scale to some of the acquisitions they’ve been involved in negotiating. Will they be successful? Who knows, I certainly don’t, but I’ll tell you this much, if ultimately they’re unsuccessful it won’t be for lack of effort or good intention. So, rather than sniping at the perceived credibility of Pinnacle, or for that matter at any of the other potential/confirmed bidders working to buy your club, why not give them all a break. They are, after all, doing far more than most (if not all) of you in order to give you a team to watch at St Mary's next season - and Tony's not even a Saints fan!
  3. Good job Pinnacle's chosen charity is a neurological centre then ;-)
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