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Mr Nice

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Everything posted by Mr Nice

  1. So if he is operating officer does that mean there would be a chief executive above him ?
  2. He wasnt well liked by the SMS staff from what i remember. He also had a rather chequered past in employment. He 'was' working at Leicester City from what i can remember.
  3. what andy oldknow ?
  4. I have to agree with SOB that the closure of the itchen northam really killed off the atmosphere. The reasons given where also total bullshine.
  5. Guided Missile stumped as he cannot download Liebherrs accounts from the companies house website.
  6. niece ?
  7. Is that what you call, giving head
  8. Finance director Dave Jones time to collect your P45 time, we hope.
  9. What the begbies PR firm tell them
  10. Willi Liebherr has 'six' sons......
  11. Unlikely they will get involved in match day commentary at the moment. I think they want to get some revenue in before expanding.
  12. baj, do you know if spam is a big problem on twitter ?
  13. boring tabloid style reporting
  14. Strachan or Keegan Wotte came sixth on a poll on here btw recently http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=13536&highlight=manager+poll
  15. I thought Lowe hates Harris ? certainly slagged him off im sure.
  16. So you are easily pleased then !
  17. Just been having a look really and been spammed within 20 mins !
  18. Who's to say a buyer will invest the kind of money that needs to go up two leagues ? I imagine we could be talking anything up to £50million all in. There are plenty of multi millionaires in boardrooms in these leagues that don't spend.
  19. Still don't get the link from construction vehicles, cranes, fridges, hotels to a football club.
  20. SPoken to a number of dutch football fans since his appointment and they all laugh and think hes ****e. Esp feyenoord fans
  21. Why is my web twitter page getting nba updates and alyankovics ? edit ..sorted
  22. Wotte thinks he's better than he actually is and management record shows.
  23. LOL Utter colonic irrigation
  24. His football managament career is what is wrong with Mr Chocolate
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