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Dr. Kucho

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Everything posted by Dr. Kucho

  1. Finally he's gone! Don't understand why he, that qautada bloke and other hate preachers want to be in our country. They go on how much they hate it and that we will all go to hell, why don't they just go to a Islamic country that does have Sharia law and preach hate there.
  2. Just saw we are playing tomorrow and not today:blush: For a first I am agreeing with Lawro, think we will get our first clean sheet of the season, 2-0. Line up should be: ------------- Gazza ------------ Richardson ---- Fonte --- Yoshida --- Clyne ------- JWP -------- Davis -------- Puncheon ----- Ramirez -------- Lallana --------- Lambert ----------- Subs: Davis, Hooiveld, Mayuka, Schneiderlin, Rodriquez, Guly, Reeves.
  3. Difficult choice between Baines, Kompany and Fellaini. Baines and Kompany for obvious reasons and the partnership Fellaini and Schneiderlin in midfield would be amazing.
  4. Disappointed with the result, but yet again saw some good football at times. Our defending scares the sh*t out of me, but when we build from the back we play some very good football, just a shame that our final ball was poor today. Rickie and Gaston seem to link well together and JWP showed some though having a tough game. Hope Morgan, Mayuka and Puncheon recover soon as we need them against Fulham. All credit to Moyes and Everton, what a great team they have put together with the little money they have to spend. Fellaini is immense and Baines's crosses and set pieces are class, if we had them two in our team we would have one fine team.
  5. Who is our defence coach? He should be moved on, or we should get one if we didn't have one yet!
  6. I have 8 kettlebells (2x12 kilo, 2x16 kilo, 2x20 kilo, 24 and 28 kilo), I spent around 350 Euro for the whole lot. If you are looking for information how to work with them and some good exercises buy Dave Bellomo's book Kettlebell Training For Athletes, Youtube also has some great workout videos. Love working with them and put some of my clients through tough workouts
  7. Thanks for the post Brussels Saint! Yes most of my friends seem to be settling down at their mid 20ties. The other week I was at a mates party and I was the only one who didn't have a girlfriend, all the other were living together and were planning/expecting or already had kids. That made me think it was time to get away from this place (I live near a average size city in Holland) before I end up like them (nothing wrong with my mates, just not the lifestyle I want). Can I ask why you decided to go to Brussels? Was it work related? Ken Tone and Dubai Phil, I spent 3 months in the UK last year and often travel over to see relatives. The UK has changed over the years but everytime I get of the plane or boat it feels like coming home. Work could be hard to get as the competition for places is murdering in the UK, however if you do well there are more possibilities then in Holland. Thanks for the replies! Would prefer to work somewhere in Europe so please share your experiences of working on the continent (and the UK)
  8. To the ones that once decided to move away/abroad, how did it work out? Where did you go? And how did you get to meet new people? The thing is that I think the time has come for me to move on. At 26 I still feel young and free but with most of my mates settling down and having kids life has started to become a bit boring, nights out don't happen that often any more. Now I have been thinking about moving back to the UK (have lived in The Netherlands for most of my life) and with my work (I work in the sports and have a UK bank account and NI) applying for jobs shouldn't be to much of a problem. So just wondering how it worked out for others that moved away at sometime and what the do's and donts are. Cheers
  9. Dr. Kucho


    The government want to introduce something called a cannabis pass, meaning that if you want to buy cannabis you have to have a pass. This is mainly to cut down on 'drugs tourism' in Amsterdam and the south of Holland. However this law will just move the problem from the café's to the street as people will buy cannabis in the shops and sell it on the street to the tourists. I think its likely that this law will go through with the new government.
  10. Dr. Kucho


    Well Saintandy666, I have lived in the Netherlands for most of my life and they have a coalition system over here. The last 5 governments (that's since 2002) have been: CDA, LPF, VVD (2002) CDA, VVD, D66 (2003-2006) CDA, VVD (2006) CDA, PVDA, Christian Party (2007-2010) VVD, CDA (with support from the PVV) (2010-2012) CDA: centre party, somewhere between Labour and Conservatives with there values. VVD: Conservatives PVDA: Labour All these coalitions didn't complete the full 4 years they should. The last government that completed that was between 1998 and 2002. 2 weeks ago there has just been another general election (won by the VVD) and I don't think there would be a new government until February/March. Coming back on topic, I cannot understand why anyone would vote for Labour, Tories or Lib dems. All these parties are the same and out of Milliband, Balls, Cameron, Osborne, Clegg or Alexander I don't think any of them has ever had a real job. There should be a rule that politicians have to have at least 15 years experience in the private or public sector until they can become a MP. After hearing Nigel Farage speak on Question time and other debates I will be voting UKIP at the next election.
  11. Ravel Morrison, on loan at Birmingham. Another waste of talent like Ranger, Barton (to a certain extent), King etc
  12. On the positive side, we play some nice football at times passing it around. But after that goal all confidence seems to have gone and we struggle to keep the ball. Lallana had a decent start and Ramirez has shown some of his skills. Schneiderlin and Yoshida also having a decent game. Puncheon and Clyne having a poor game and Lambert seems of the pace. For the second half I would think of bringing Rodriguez on for Lambert and maybe Guly for Puncheon. COYR we can do this, lets get our first points of the season!
  13. Hope Gazza has a good game in goal, this is a big gamble from Nigel. Fox is lucky we don't have another LB as his positioning is terrible, hope he has been working on that in training. And as Ramirez, I am looking forward to see some more of his play. COYR we can win this!
  14. ------------ Davis ------------ Clyne ---- Fonte --- Yoshida ---- Shaw ------- Cork ----- Schneiderlin Puncheon ---- Ramirez ------ Lallana ------------ Lambert ---------- Subs: Gazza, Richardson, Lee, S Davis, Mayuka, Hooiveld, Rodriguez. Fox's crosses and attacking play are decent but his defending has been shocking, he cuts inside way to early leaving the left open. Fonte and Yoshida seemed to work well together and Jos has been poor at times this season. Left JWP out as he has played some tough games and is still young. Ramirez has to play, he looked ace yesterday.
  15. I really like Adkins and think he deserves more time, something like another 4 matches to get some points. We play nice football, just a shame the defence (Clyne excluded and the verdicts out on Yoshida) is poor. I do think that after this half the thought of another manager might just have crossed Nicola's mind for a moment.
  16. Thats it, I cannot take anymore today it hurts to much, no more stream for me today just SWF so we can share the pain.
  17. COYY!! I dont think I can take another 3-2 defeat. 0-2 to the mighty Saints.
  18. I am very nervous about this one! I hate Arsenal with a passion and cant stand that *#%$ Wenger. I hope we smash them 4-0 with JWP, Lambert, Schneiderlin and Lallana scoring and Shaw playing a blinder at LB. And whilst we are running circles around them with our academy players passing the ball around smoothly, AOC and Walcott are sitting on the bench thinking how it could have been playing for the mighty Saints in the Premier League.
  19. A father at a Ajax game encouraging his son (must be around 4-6 years old) to swear at the opposition using incredibly foul language.
  20. I would stick with the same formation as against Manure, maybe swap Fonte with Yoshida depending on fitness and use different subs. Glad there is a 2 week break as it gives time for the team to reflex on the last few games and focus on our weak points.
  21. Yoshida should start for Fonte, unless he is not 'Saints fit'. Would also like to see Ramirez start but with the game Puncheon had yesterday he deserves to start against Arse.
  22. I feel sick.
  23. Fox, Fonte and Clyne's studs are the weak links in our team. Puncheon, Lallana, Morgan and Rickie having a good game. I'll take this score as a result but have this feeling we might just get a little more out of this game. Clyne should go to LB with Richardson RB, also hope to see Lee and Mayuka some time in the second half
  24. SAF has said he will start with Buttner as Evra injured himself in training. We should take full advantage of this and put loads of pressure on him as he most likely will be their weaker link in defence. Also have this small feeling might just get something out of this game. ---------------- Davis--------------- Clyne ----- Fonte-----Hooiveld----- Shaw ------- Morgan ------ Davis------ Puncheon ----- Lallana ------- Lee --------- Rodriguez------- Subs: Gazza, Yoshida (can he play?, either Seaborne), JWP, Lambert, Richardson, Mayuka, Shaw Lambert to come on for Rodriquez around the 60th min (same tactic as against City)
  25. 3 of my mates are season tickets holders at Ajax, and according to them Boilesen has pace, has a good cross, can tackle, is strong and can play CB as LB. The major downside to him is that he is very injury prone, has had many muscle and ankle injuries. They also cant see Ajax selling him for as little as 5 million, if he can shake of his injuries he has the possibility to become a very good player. (the last LB we bought from Ajax was old Jelle van Damme)
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