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Dr. Kucho

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Everything posted by Dr. Kucho

  1. Living and working back in the Southampton area. Problem is I like my work where I am now, but badly need a change of environment.
  2. Seeing this picture makes me think, which of the current Saints players has the most potential to ever play for Barcelona? I am going for Shaw or Gaston.
  3. Still dont believe Cameron, he will say anything to get elected. Will still be voting UKIP at the next election, not only because they will give us a vote on Europe, but also because I am sick of these career politicians and want to see people with experience of working in the private sector in governement.
  4. I thought he just said he had been researching the team for several weeks. This whole story sounds like a bad joke, BRING NIGEL BACK FFS!!
  5. Well I am looking forward to the photos they will put up on Facebook of the training.
  6. Like when we sacked Pardew at the time, total disbelief. Now Cortese just has to sell Rickie and Lallana to complete the day for us fans.
  7. FAKE! The guys aren't drinking, don't have tattoos in their necks and have a full set of teeth.
  8. And breath. Missed most of the game, what happened to Shaw?
  9. Right that's enough for me, I cannot stand the commentators (firstrow link 2) any more. Surprised the taters didn't cheer when Chelsea scored. I cant see us winning this game, but as long as it doesn't become a monster score I am not to bothered. Its the league we must concentrate on.
  10. Never thought I would say it, but I am a little disappointed with a point. As a team we were great and played some good football, credit to all players. Was I correct in hearing some of our fans booing Boruc in the second half? And Wenger, f**K off! Shaw is staying a Saint! And to people who say he would get better coaching at Arsenal, how many players have they brought forward over the years?
  11. As a team we are playing well, Puncheon has been quiet at times and Boruc seems to be drunk. I hope we can keep this up and get a draw out of this. I sadly cant see us win, but we are doing much better then I expected us to do.
  12. I am not convinced with this line-up, like with Stoke, but that turned out ok. The only reason I can see Cork playing RB is because he has more pace then Richardson. With Oxo and Walcott Arsenal have some serious pace up front. COYR we can beat them.
  13. NO! I hope he destroys Arsenal, along with the rest of the team. Sadly I cant attend the game, but could you lot who are going let Wenger know we don't appreciate him nicking are academy players. And Nicola, bring Jaidi along to mind our players and keep Wenger at a distance.
  14. Saw a interview with Steve De Ridder on the Sporza.be website, http://www.sporza.be/cm/sporza/voetbal/buitenland/Engeland/121227_Steve_De_Ridder He says: Has to think about his career Happy to make his PL debut against Sunderland Doesn't understand that he was part of the squad against Sunderland, but wasn't selected against Fulham In training others aren't better then him Doesn't want to be a sub, came to England to play Teams from Holland, Belgium and Championship are interested, but Saints wont let him go, say he has a future with us Happy to be playing in England, but has to think about his career
  15. Think this game will be hit or miss. Or we will win quite comfortably or get thrashed, this wont be a draw. If we let Arsenal play their own game they will finish us, so think we should pass the ball around and play players with a bit of pace. Has anyone heard any rumours how Lallana is getting on?
  16. 2 points lost, I am gutted. Thought we played well and have to say that third Stoke goal was class.
  17. Finished the year with 91 goals, will we ever see someone break that record? Great player, but not the best! This guy is:adore:
  18. Ramirez, Puncheon, Schneiderlin and Mayuka were rubbish today. Def missing Lallana,s play and balls in to the box. On a positive note, defence looked solid and De Ridder was lively. Logging of for the night as I am angry with Saints and have loads of work to do:x
  19. Impressed with De Ridder so far, lots of danger coming from him.
  20. Wiggins should get it, winning the TdF and a gold medal. Jess Ennis, Jade Jones, Victoria Pendleton and Amy Williams are looking stunning, I might have to go for errr... 'quick break'.
  21. Staying up, keeping the first team together, bringing more academy players in to the first team, continue playing the way we do and improve are passing, and last but not least, keep Nigel. Up till now the season has been successful to me, after a tough start we seem to have get going and the defence has improved.
  22. The Olympics Saints promotion Bradley Wiggins winning the TdF Getting my career in sports underway
  23. According to these surveys the Norwegians are the happiest nation, or are in the top 3 happiest nation. http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mef45ejmi/01-norway/ http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/344450/20120523/top-ten-happiest-countries-world-2012.htm#page9 http://www.dailyfinance.com/2012/05/24/the-10-happiest-countries-in-the-world/#photo-9
  24. How is the health service in Norway? I am right to believe that also is of a high standard? It beggars believe that people can still vote Tory or Labour after all they have done to our beautifull country, I dont think they could do any worse even if they tried. I can understand you wouldn,t want to leave Norway, with the fjords and the outdoor sports you can do there it must be amazing. I have lived abroad since I was 4(26 now, have lived in the Netherlands, and spent time in Spain, Australia and the UK), though I am planning my return to the south coast.
  25. After the Arsenal and Everton game I said Cortese should consider moving Adkins on. I am glad I was wrong and Cortese stuck with Adkins. Think Adkins is a great manager and like the football we play, would just like to see more emotion at times in his post match interview.
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