arrived at Silverspoons with our family group at 9.10am looking forward to a great pre match event as promoted in the Echo to be greeted by two hookers with their pimps who had obviously been working throughout the night. on attempting to get into the club we were told by a number of the door security crew that the place would open in about 15 minutes because the previous nights event had overrun. Nick I then came out of the side door looking ashen faced (due to probably what he had just seen inside) assuring us that it would open shortly. I then popped into the adjoining club which was free to get in and was already packed with Saints fans to have my morning ablutions and on coming back into the main bar realised that this was indeed quite a smart venue and was looking forward to getting back into Silverspoons. We then managed to get into the Silverspoons and then realised what a dump this place was , cleaners were still mopping the floors and on attempting to sit down on the ripped upholstrey found the seats to be wet. The place could only be described at best as a **** hole. The half cut dj was then requesting assistance from the audience as to how to work the dj console and cd player as he did not have a clue to work it. eventually after assistance from someone in the audience the music started and Oh how we wish it didnt. the music was deafening and choice of music unusual to say the least and when he started to do some mixing the younger members of our group were laughing hysterically at his attempts.
We had had enough after 45 minutes and left never to return. We were indeed ripped off and what was on the label was not in any way produced. COYR should be held accountable for this event as they managed to take £20k for this event and I would think that Coyr paid little for this venue if anything at all. Well if they had any sense thay would have not paid anything for this venue as the beer sales would have easily kept the landlord happy and more fool COYR if they did pay for this tip. I feel that a full refund should be made to all supporters who paid their money or profits should be paid to a nominated charity.
After we got out of the pit that is Silverspoons we went on to have a fantastic day and all Southampton Supporters should be proud of themselves after proving without a shadow of a doubt that there is only one team in Hampshire.