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Everything posted by rshephard3

  1. After yet another transformation, this time into a prostitute Rhino, suspicions of many fans were confirmed, Sir Rickie Lambert is indeed super human. And filthy.
  2. How f**king clueless is Fat Sam?! Us and Reading really are different class to any of these teams in the playoffs, both in football and manager.
  3. I don't know if it's been mentioned but.. PLAY GOLF ?
  4. £700 is £36.84 a game. This is a lot. I'd expect wing seats to be in the region £575, meaning as near as dammit £30 a game. Maybe wishful thinking but it seems a lot to charge over £600 for wing seats IMO.
  5. Spurs home or away. Demand for front row near dugout seats at an all time high to bully scrotum faced Redkrapp. Banter fest. Roll them over 2-0, tidy. Im dreaming of course, but that said I never thought we'd go up this season gone!
  6. Hope the c**ts crash and burn in the playoffs. Done themselves no favours this season with neutrals, the football they've played with that squad is an embarrassment.
  7. Forecast is bad? He sure f**king is.
  8. Exactly this. The desire to be there is strong but ultimately not so important as to cry myself to sleep if we don't go up. Lets face it, how well have Newcastle had to play this season? How many ground out wins/luck/goals at the right time hsve they had? All to probably finish 5th. Outside the champions league. The upper limit of 5th/6th in the prem is surely the main thing that turns people off. The skys the limit for SFC in the 2nd tier. It's different when playing with the big boys. Also the extra people turning up at SMS next August will annoy me. Petty? Yes it is. But where were they? If we were all like them, failing to attend through the bad times, ML would never have saved us. It wasn't them who attracted them, it was the proper supporters who attended to watch Saints, not Man Utd and Chelsea.
  9. Promotion to the PL is the biggest single financial reward in football globally. Given the crucial role of finances in 21st century football this is surely the biggest game in a hell of a long time. It's bigger than an FA cup final, a competition that has lost respect gradually over the past 15 years or so. The FA cup is an ever diminishing reward in terms of prestige. Promotion to PL is huge in comparison. IMHO.
  10. I wagered £50 of my £60 winnings from last night on a Saints/WHU double on the last day. Will be a very tidy little profit if it comes in on Saturday. I love the drama and enjoy the Championship so much I am almost detatched from the emotion of it. But thought I'd hedge my bets last night anyway.
  11. Bart has been excellent but it has to be Lambert for me ?
  12. £50 on Wham for me too. **** odds on Skybet as usual but looking forward to the excitement this evening. I actually fancy Leicester to put on a decent show and maybe get a draw but the bet is just a softener if things go to the final day!! Just a few more hours left in the championship maybe.....
  13. If there's one manager you want to maintain integrity of competition and not let their team rest until the summer it's Pearson. Might not have had it all his own way at Leicester but they wont roll over for sure. Im dubious Allardyce can go there and manage his team to victory but we will see. Think we'll go up by 10pm Monday night.
  14. Rationally speaking Peterborough was the one to go to wasn't it? I can see people want the party time but Tuesday put matters beyond reasonable doubt and I can understand some peoples reluctance to do a 9am-3/4am stint when, unlike Tuesday, the game is live on TV. I would actually be going but I have to work every other Saturday which is annoying, I'm barely going to make kick off on TV
  15. Simply looked like a premiership side comfortably rolling over a championship side tonight. Superb. So nearly there. Congrats to Reading. Them and ourselves have been outstanding.
  16. I'll stick to walking!!
  17. I assume parking charges dont apply st SMS when leaving a car for away games? I normally walk down but have to be up at 6am and need to get home asap after the ride home!
  18. Being selfish about it, I go to football for my own fun. In some strange way I find it fun to go to Pride park in the playoff semi and lose, go to Hartlepool in the 3rd tier and shout Flinders for 90 minutes during a dyer 0-0 draw. Im not only resigned to saints not being champions league/sky big dogs, I actively like it. Sure, I want us to continue as a footballing entity of sorts but I'm not so sure about the merits of establishing in the top tier. The up's and downs provide the emotion to keep me coming back. Granted this doesn't sit very well alongside wanting saints to win every single game, I take that point, but I hope some understand where, in my warped little football world, I am coming from!
  19. It's amazing that some people aren't opening their eyes to what more than half the people on this thread seem to agree on. How can it be a mongy thread?! Someone try telling me it's a laugh to travel to grounds ready to get patronised and shat on by clubs who happen to have thrown hundreds and hundreds of millions at football which we haven't. The point is that the advocates of ultimate competition on here are talking about joining the league of ultimate inequality and skewed competition. All IMHO of course.
  20. Fait do's. I have that feeling too in some ways. It almost feels like I want the top tier but the one I grew up with, the one of 1996-2000. The top tier seems to me to have transformed into quite an unappealing beast in many respects since then.
  21. Someone like you will be satisfied when the MASTERPLAN comes to fruition and we beat Barcelona in the Champions League then? World domination will be complete. I have a suspicion you knew exactly what my post meant, and it certainly didn't advocate non competitive football.
  22. I will look back on the past few years hugely fondly. The togetherness of the fans, those who did hartlepool, carlisle etc in the 3rd tier, being the big dogs instead of the plucky losers noone else wants to be, the fact that most of the 16000 ppl at SMS would probably still turn up even if the team was in the conference because it wasn't about money, tv or merchandise. It wasn't about bet 365 adverts and who was going to sponsor the 'kids' league cup this year. It was Southampton. It was proper football with proper supporters. Do I relish getting turned over 3-0 at Arsenal and being ripped by a smug Alan Hansen going 'it's not the first time this season I've said Danny Fox is a championship player...'? No. Rant over.
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