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Everything posted by rshephard3

  1. I honestly don't understand Boruc playing yesterday. First question, what did Gazza do wrong? Thought he'd looked an excellent purchase personally. Second question, why the hell is Kelvin not chosen, given that Jos and Fonte played so much with him last season? This coupled with the RL situation made me go from a 'might squeeze a point' attitude to 'lets not get battered' attitude. Sad face.
  2. You're joking right? As much as anything he's excellent at defending set pieces etc, in fact better than Fonte. He's not 65 years old, he's up to a 90 minute battering at Upton Park and should have played. Especially as we've wasted money on Rodriguez who is failing spectacularly to live up to the lower league hype surrounding him.
  3. It is awful how wrongly proportioned responses are to certain things. Barton receiving a longer ban than racist players for a scuffle, England snd Serbia BOTH being blamed immediately after what appeared to be an attack of violence and racism at Englands black players. And now Leeds release a statement, saying nothing about Jones main point which is the 12 years abuse he has suffered over nothing, and in a week or so there will be a poxy £10,000 fine for LUFC for failing to control fans. How long will the rational minded of us have to wait before we see an incident like that followed by Leeds not taking away fans to their next game?
  4. We drove to Upton Park last season, after the Soton-Waterloo leg, can anyone give me an idea how long to get over to Upton Park tube station then walk to the ground?
  5. Genuinely think we'll win. It's about time our forward play suddenly carved open a team away from home and the defence stays solid for 90 minutes. Might be optimistic because I'm looking forward to the away day so much but there is a funny 2-0 win in my mind.. Wish it was tomorrow though, damn internationals against San Marino getting in the way!
  6. Absolutely this. People need to get with the times and realise that the culture created by excessively large handouts, and a huge state that the country can't afford (created by the previous government) is the problem of British people. Implemented and caused by British people. Immigration was not under control under New Labour and is now being closely scrutinised by the Tories, and that is good enough for me. I don't think radical policy changes are actually needed there. What is needed, IMO, is a crack down on the culture that British people are too good for hospital/McDonalds/cleaning jobs. The working class of this country is badly let down by a growing minority of people who consider it acceptable to allow the state to support them and their families, in some cases for generations, while the rest of us go off to work to pay for them. We are in the EU and rightly so, unless you're a British bulldog kind of UKIP nutter, so these people can be from other countries but legally reside here. But there is rightly a growing sense of discontent at this.
  7. Fair enough, cheers. I understand it would kind of defeat the object, but then, just to sit with a few mates, you potentially take your chances on getting a ticket. All will be revealed soon!
  8. If you have enough credits for priority booking for WHU based on away games so far, but your linked season ticket friends/family do not have these credits, but are linked to you on the online system.. Can you book for ALL linked numbers in this priority booking period, or just for yourself? I don't want to miss a ticket for myself, but also want to sit WITH said friends and family which won't happen if booked at different times. Hope this makes sense.
  9. Excellent post. The lack of defensive work from our attacking flank players was what stood out for me yesterday. One reason for Clyne getting a break on here is that he's young and learning with every game. FWIW, I believe he will be a top player in the near future. That does not mean he is perfect now by a long stretch.
  10. Lies, Damn lies and Statistics. Superb. Clyne is already a far better footballer than Danny Fox IMO.
  11. Ramirez plays and has the team built around him. Lambert plays 90 minutes unless injured or overly tired. Fox dropped, was **** enough defensively in the Championship and is getting absolutely ruined in the prem. How we don't have a left back with any defensive ability over the age of 17 in the prem is remarkable and has already been noted by the whole league. 6 pointer time now.
  12. Ha, get a grip Dave. I'm already thinking about the 6 pointer which will be drawing to a close in a week!
  13. Dear lord. Could be 8 today.
  14. This. IMO Cleverley is showing signs of being a fantastic player for England and Man Utd for a long time to come. This thread is a little harsh on him to say the least. Lallana is good at football, Cleverley is better. Why does Adam Lallana play for Southampton? Because he's not good enough to have been offered the chance to play for Man Utd.
  15. I'd love to hear him say 'LOL', or even better 'LOLZ'. Superb.
  16. Don't buy the whole called up for the experience of the setup balls personally. We all know the FA setup and so do the players. Any player who turned up and played no part has wasted their time haven't they? It's not like Lallana is 17 years old and while I'm happy for him as a personal achievement, given the start to our season and the task we have in the Prem this year, I'd rather none of our players heads were turned by the prospect of warming the bench for England.
  17. A brief loan spell, don't you remember? I now know who you're talking about though, thanks. Does anyone fancy Lallana to play any part by the way? Maybe a last 10 mins sub?
  18. Paul Scholes presumably. A man so understated and professional that tabloid 'superstars' like Steven Gerrard ended up being higher up the pecking order despite being nowhere near the player. Scholes, IMO, is the best English player of his generation by a country mile. If he'd been Italian, they'd have built their entire squad around him for about 15 years. England didn't. More fool them.
  19. The counter to that argument is the taking him off v's Man Utd only for us to lose. Lambert works hard enough but he doesn't exactly spend 90 minutes chasing defenders does he? I think he's earned the opportunity to play 90 minutes unless Adkins feels urgent changes are needed during the game and I think he can cause problems for Arsenal.
  20. Can people post here to discuss current player values and how much they believe they've jumped due to performing in the Prem? The 2 that come to mind are probably Morgan and Lambert. I'll kick off the debate by suggesting Morgan is worth circa £12 million for his composure and work rate in the prem, a huge return on our investment if we ever look to cash in. How much are the likes of Lallana, Puncheon and Jos worth do we think?
  21. Exactly. I have noticed that the league genuinely seems to have not one outstanding weak team. This doesn't play into our hands at all. It's showing signs of being a bumpy ride, but it'll be fun all the same.
  22. Exactly this. Cortese worked hard to get the deal, making Adkins a yes man in that specific scenario. A left back would have been useful!
  23. I'm amazed to see a Guly thread after yesterday. Gave it a really good go and well done to all the lads who made the City and Utd games such a spectacle for us fans. If you HAVE to splash some blame culture around, I'd be interested to see the thinking behind Lambert coming off, as he was really causing problems and though he'd worked hard, didn't seem battered. Also, Fox is playing in the wrong division and I'd expect most of us can see that from the start of this season. Ferguson clearly could, hence attacking Clyne once for every 10 attacks on Fox.
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