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Everything posted by Wilko

  1. Wilko

    Press watch

    Get a grip. It's satire (or at least attempted satire) and the Guardian runs one of those each week. Don't be so wet.
  2. Unless it's a waffle iron, I'm not interested.
  3. We'll almost certainly finish ninth, which is pretty good. We've brought through some excellent young players, which is even better. It's time to stop watching the results and concentrate on something else until the beginning of August. The season was over the moment we lost in the cup.
  4. Some of you lot do talk a load of ********. We were the better side, but failed to take our chances. The season will peter out into a midtable finish, which is pretty good all things considered. However, it would clearly be better if we were still in the cup.
  5. If the sum of our total ambition is finishing in midtable, I don't see the point. Who gives a **** about coming 8th or 15th? It all smacks of this Premier League-obsessed nonsense. Take me back to League One. At least it was all a bit more honest.
  6. John Stead, anyone?
  7. Not quite true. The burden of proof falls upon the publisher. Therefore, unless there's solid proof to back the claims being made, Cortese would still have a good case against the owners of this website.
  8. Just checked the Echo. It's not in there. Not on the web either, so we can be fairly sure it isn't in tomorrow's paper.
  9. I just can't get excited about this. Whatever happens will happen. Life will go on.
  10. Wasn't this all entirely predictable? Surely we're lucky the Liebherrs have stuck with us this long.
  11. Best news of the day.
  12. Old manager, new manager, newer manager. It all seems a bit irrelevant, really. If he goes, he goes. We'll get a new guy, who may be better or worse than Pochettino.
  13. I think recent results suggest we should be questioning the manager's performance, tactics and team selection. Make no mistakes, this isn't a crisis. We are doing OK. However, Pochettino has had a bad time recently.
  14. Why would financial support make any difference? This isn't a community composting co-operative, it's a business. If that much isn't clear, then you've missed a few steps.
  15. Meh. If the world wants me to go to more games, they should put train and ticket prices down, let me drink in the stand and let me stand up. Until then, I'll continue to watch the free threads on the internet. I've more respect for the stay-aways than the Scousers who buy £60 tickets then complain about buying £60 tickets. A half empty stadium is a bigger protest than any banner. Anyway, take me back to league one. All this premier league stuff is a load of ****e anyway.
  16. Lib Dems 55.56% Green Party 33.33% Labour 11.11% Turns out I'm pretty much 'on message'.
  17. Does anybody else feel this season is like a pair of really expensive shoes which doesn't quite fit?
  18. Has this been sorted yet?
  19. "These are not the droids you're looking for."
  20. Follow the advice of the bloke who suggested contacting the Football Supporters Federation. They'll give you free legal advice and help with representation in court, if necessary. Amanda.Jacks@fsf.org.uk
  21. Fair play to the bloke. Nobody can seriously say they'd walk away from that kind of contract. If somebody offered me more than £100k a year for ****ting about and being **** at football, I'd have no moral issue taking the cash and laughing, regardless of the opinions of the fans. By the look of it, I'm probably about as talented as Tommy Forecast, so there's still a chance it might happen. If any chairmen are reading this, I'm available.
  22. I drilled down into the important point in my third sentence. It's not easy living in Regency Cheltenham Spa, on the frontline between the South West and the Midlands.
  23. Cheltenham. Not really Midlands, but then not really South West either. No season ticket and rarely at home games, so maybe this information is irrelevant.
  24. So we've successfully broken the £50 barrier. Well done, Saints. We've made it.
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