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Everything posted by Reib80

  1. What was the Rovers fans reaction to Lambert? Did they cheer him when his name was called out? Or do they now hate him for some reason? Did Lambert celebrate when he scored?
  2. Yeah I'd love to see him play for us too.
  3. Reib80

    Papa Waigo

    Anyone else notice that he kept hold of the trophy for almost the entire time they were doing the lap of honour etc! Friggin awesome! Love the guy!
  4. hahaha! Can just imagine that!!
  5. Shame the same can't be said for Steve Claridge on the highlights Sunday night! I know he's a skate and was probably painful for him to see Saints winning, but at times he just sounded like he couldn't be bothered!
  6. hahaha
  7. np at all. On a side note, I just got through on 01271 335708! Just on hold now. Was constantly cut off with the official 0800 number.
  8. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/staticFiles/f5/49/0,,10280~150005,00.pdf
  9. Has anyone had any luck getting through to the official number (0800 2800 050)? Been trying since 8.20 and no luck getting past putting in option 2
  10. Brilliant post mate and I'm really impressed with your commitment to Saints. Hoofin effort.
  11. How many other league 1 teams do you think (could afford) to do this too? Could give us a slight advantage in the next game.
  12. Nice one! Cheers
  13. I'm on the online ticket sales section at the moment (http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/OnlineSales/0,,10280,00.html) and trying to register so I can book tickets online but it wants me to input my customer number. Thing is, I dont have one (last game I went to was about 3 years ago due to me being in the Marines). So, I guess it means I have to call the ticket office to book. Surely they should have had a way that you could initially register for a customer number online? Weird! Oh well, I'll give them a call.
  14. I just called the ticket office and general sale/restricted general sale is on the same dates still. (not talking to myself, just letting others know!)
  15. Does anyone know if restricted General sale will still be on the 18th Jan? Or has this moved too? Would have been easier if I was a season ticket holder but work commitments says otherwise!
  16. Hahahaha!
  17. http://www.atdhe.net/10303/watch-bristol-rovers-vs-southampton working for me now
  18. Whilst not directly related to this, I can relate to it from experience. When I was in the Marines in training you would get one or two guys who were desperate to leave (but you had to do a certain amount of time before you could leave). The problem with this is it spread like poison, real fast. They complained about things not going their way, how much they didnt wanna be there and generally 'moped' around. This spread through the troop bringing moral down. Now, I know this isn't a direct factor compared to Saints, but it just goes to show how it can bring down moral (even slightly)... and can affect performances from others.
  19. Really gutted aswell. Was a true legend. RIP Bobby
  20. Saw Dave Jones in West Quay shopping centre with his daughters on Sunday. I guess he still has a place down here.
  21. Yep, my thoughts exactly
  22. and to sum up there intellect over there...one of the posts on that thread...
  23. Mine would have been Fulham, QPR or Chelsea as my family are from that area and support those teams, though like others, my heart wouldn't have been it and there would be not half as much passion for the team so I would have just strayed off to just like football in general!
  24. Yeah I too am feeling really optimistic. It's a weird feeling as I have been so used to the doom and gloom, but personally am really excited now about our future!
  25. Anyone know anywhere else this is being broadcast? I've got sky, but my work filter wont let me watch it on their site!
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