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Everything posted by SaintNik

  1. aquamarine oops
  2. as you can see I rarely post anything on this board. Turkish - are you hoping for a plausible explanation? Is there some sort of a prize for the correct answer? Does anyone actually care? Oh well 5 minutes of my life I won't get back. I'm off to more pressing matters, I must organise my sock drawer alphabetically by colour.......right where are my acqumarine socks
  3. Great manager never going to happen. What are the odds on Mike Bassett?
  4. I always try and give our players the benefit of the doubt, but with Bart today, I'm not sure. Let's potentially fast forward to next Sunday. How will he cope in front of 20,000 Pompey fans on his back, who would have probably seen his frailties today? I think that wil be significantly more pressure than today!
  5. What I particularly liked was the amount of encouragement Fonte was giving him throughout the game, really good to see. Fonte was a beast today. Martin will get there, but will need to be used more in cup games for now.
  6. SaintNik

    Brian Howard

    surprised after a quick scan at this thread, nobody has made the Skacel joke yet!
  7. If he is meant to be the more attacking of the 2 central midfielders, why is his first instinct when he gets the ball to turn away from goal and pass it backwards or sideways at best. Surely when teams come to put everyone behind the ball we need to play the ball through teams quicker?
  8. The Telegraph wouldn't have any more information about his legacy than we do right now. I think they are mearly putting 2 and 2 together based on the Club's statement
  9. plank
  10. I have never posted on here in the 8 years I've been reading this site however...... Tim, whilst I admire what you are doing for Ron Davies, your views on Saints and tactics are absolutely pathetic! You are one of the main reasons I don't listen to Radio Solent as you phone in and talk absolute dross when you haven't been to the game. We didn't want a replay today, we played about as well as we could and were beaten by a Premier League side. That's the reason we lost. Stop being so over dramatic with your knee jerk reactions. You may want to listen to peoples opinions who go to the games every week, for a balanced view.
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