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Everything posted by CWD

  1. IF he was to be given the job I would do my best to get behind him - the new owners deserve that much but unfortuneatly he is absolutely ****ing ****e and it would be a serious step backwards
  2. I got it. it made me chuckle:lol:
  3. No need to worry about Tony Adams. This is just a bunch of skate fans putting money on him in wishful thinking, or simply to lower his odds and therefore get us all paranoid I am confident he wont be our new manager
  4. CWD


    :shock: NO WAY!? wow im loving this
  5. CWD


    WGS would be way ahead of KK for me, but thats only because I adore the man. Keegan would still make me very happy exciting times!
  6. I certainly agree that KD is worth at least 10 points - having a quality act in goal is vital. He'll be head and shoulders above any other GK in the league, he'll make the crucial saves that could get us into the playoffs, and even more than that he is a leader who inspires both players and fans Without him we would have been relegated by xmas, he must have saved AT LEAST 10 points last season
  7. +1. Im convinced this is going to happen
  8. That is truly hideous
  9. For everyone condemning Hoddle a bit of a reality check - we are in league 1 with -10. Hoddle is a former England manager. I would be happy with anyone with a name i recognise ffs, let alone someone as proven as GH.
  10. Brilliant, been to watch Hearts a few times - great club and good fans. Being half scottish my uncle was keen to make sure I supported someone in the SPL (as long as it wasnt Rangers) Ooh good point GITR think i might have to give it a miss then...
  11. Spot on Billy, I think this is the reason why we will all be running naked through the streets of Southampton some time in the next week in celebration of the return of WGS He's a fighter and a football man through and through - our challenge will appeal to him im sure
  12. Please please please let this be true
  13. I see. Sounds awesome! Even just to hear that linked with our club makes me wet inside Champions league final 2018 Real Madrid 0 - 12 Southampton. I can dream
  14. Sorry which interview? link?
  15. This is a great thread! I love this weird positive feeling
  16. Good luck Mark You are a genuine guy and you always did what you thought was best for the club. You were just unlucky that with everything going on you were in a no win situation. You just didnt have the experience or talent to deal with a sinking ship at the nd of the day CWD salutes you
  17. I keep pinching myself, I am SO excited about the future. Assuming the appointment is made tomorrow I will be even happier! woot
  18. THIS is VERY interesting continental style....? WGS as DoF with PT as manager? I need a tissue
  19. I just went down to get myself a celebratory toblerone from the shop and they were 2 FOR 1! today is a good day
  20. LOL you're right it must be a hoax!
  21. YES YES YES this is brilliant! im going for a pint and a toblerone MARCUS LEIBHERR'S RED AND WHITE ARMY
  22. So will there be a press conference today then?
  23. Nice avatar;) Seriously FFS x 24543567654300000 this has to happen soon
  24. anyone phoned St. Mary's to ask about a press conference yet??
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