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  1. Great start obviously. Hopefully RL has only copped a minor knock..
  2. That's a relief. I was pretty worried when I thought that I would miss the game altogether. I hope that knowing that Canberra is the capital of our great colony is enough to save me from accusations of being a skate! Bartosz - I really appreciate your offer and would love to take it up. My email address is drwood555@gmail.com
  3. I am a Saints fan from Australia. I will be in London on the weekend beginning Friday 18 November, and am very keen to get down to watch the Saints v Brighton match. I just called the ticket office, however, and was told that the game is only available to people on the SMS database. Aside from buying a jumper from the SMS store about seven years ago, I haven't made any purchases that would place me on the database. Is there any way that I can get a seat at the game? The Brighton match is my only chance to see Saints in the foreseeable future, so I would love to make it along if at all possible. Mods, please move this thread if I have posted it on the wrong board. Cheers all - any help would be much appreciated/rewarded with some pre-match pints!
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