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The Mac Attack

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Everything posted by The Mac Attack

  1. Complete Jibberish.
  2. Antigallican = Great pub. Complete dump! What more could you want pregame. Hod your wischd Bungle
  3. My god you make yourself like such a martyr which i guess is kind of Ironic. If you wanted to keep spending money on watching something that others felt they couldn't support any longer then thats your prerogative but i would simply suggest climbing down off your high horse before telling the 'noble boycotter' to get off his.
  4. Thats the spirit The9. such positivity!
  5. Definitely Saints Vs Arsenal last game at the dell... Even watching Le Tissier 89 come up on teletexts goal alert brought tears to my eyes. Roy of the Rovers stuff.
  6. however, if they are going to chase petty incidents like this, i wonder if they can put a photo fit up of the cat that took a sh*t all over my lawn last week!
  7. That guy on the Burnley website.......talk about over hyping a situation. He makes it sound like Basra. In my opinion it was largely a whole lot of chanting with a few objects being thrown. When things like this happen in football there is always a massive overreaction. Ok it shouldn't happen, but police 'hunting' people down for throwing a coin. Whilst i would never do that i do wish they would spend there time actually trying to solve something a bit more important.
  8. Yeah 8 years minimum i reckon :S
  9. I guess we will have to beg to differ because i currently rate him at £999,999.99 less than what forest, you and the SuBo alike rate him at.
  10. Comments like the above make me question your mental stability....perhaps you should be locked up with SuBo for a few days. He was playing for one of the worst sides in the league...correct and he was certainly liable for a percentage of that. Terrible first touch and his second is not much better. He got ten goals and started a lot of games.....
  11. Personally i think the bloke is absolute Dog! I would bite the arm off anyone offering 1m for him.
  12. Stu. Are you going to go about arranging specific away pubs that a load of us can attend next season. I know a lot of other clubs do it. We often seem to be scattered all over which ever town we go to.
  13. In my opinion i don't begrudge any of the players not giving up there wages. If the company i worked for was in financial trouble that is their issue and i wouldn't expect to work for anything less than the money i am contracted for. They are employees and are not supporters of the club.
  14. Thoroughly looking forward to Saturdays game. Disregarding the current predicament and imminent relegation. A lot of people now feel like they have something to get behind, a cause with decency and whilst i don't think we will sell out i think there will be a good 25k there.
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