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Left wing media like The Daily Mail, Juliette Hartley-Brewer, Iain Dale, Nick Ferrari etc etc? Come on a minute, is this the hill you're prepared to die on? Personally I'm a floating voter (more often than not in the past Tory) and I'm utterly disgusted at this. If he had apologised hey, I would get it. However watching the cabinet try and defend his excuse that he put his 4 year old child in the back of his car then drive 45 minutes to a remote beauty spot on his wife's birthday purely to "test his eyesight" before a 5 hr journey home is an insult to all if us. Seriously - who on earth believes that? As a father myself the idea that a 4 year old can do 2x 4+hr/ 260 mile trips without needed to stop for the toilet (don't get me started on petrol either) is totally dishonest but without CCTV "smoking gun" footage unprovable I suppose. Now though the news the doctored his own blog on the day he returned to work and lied about it yesterday puts his entire testimony in the bin. Anyway, look just wanted to say that this isn't and shouldn't be a partisan issue. From the polls this morning and the correspondence Tory backbenchers have clearly been getting it obviously is not partisan and people of all political persuasions are fuming about this. Personally not seen a response like this since the expenses scandal from friends/ family/ colleagues. Essentially a destruction of trust in the top tier of government. This isn't going away. My 2p worth anyway.
I simply don't get this. 40% of those hospitalised are aged 20-54? Right now I only know 1 person first hand who has it. A very fit and healthy 26 year old. He is on day 13 now and has was in hospital for 4 of those, it totally wiped him out and still may have long term effects. This utter b0ll0cks about it being "just like the flu for anyone that isn't old" is a serious problem. Also there are already cases of people getting it twice. Do people just not listen to experts anymore or something?
Looks that way. Conservatives just announced they will not go into a deal. Brexit party saying Boris' deal is the ultimate surrender deal and Barnier totally outmaneuvered Boris and his team. This looks messy as it's a total impasse. Personally I expect a hung Parliament. Tories will make some gains that will offset total annihilation in Scotland. Lib Dems and Labour will fail to form a pact to step down in winnable seats and Brexit Party will cause enough doubt re Boris' "surrender" (that wartime rhetoric started by Boris, Cummings etc being used against them will be interesting to witness) deal to take votes from the tories in marginal seats outside their most winnable targets. Three main parties have terrible leaders, none of which I'm particularly keen on seeing as PM (Swinson has zer gravitas, Corbyn utterly unelectable to anyone but the extreme left and Johnston a liar and a cheat) but there you go. Clear as mud basically and no mandate to get anything meaningful through the Commons for a while yet.
Farage announced today Brexit party will fight every seat. Claims his interview with Trump yesterday proves Boris' deal is not a true Brexit. Unless the Tories agree to rip up the deal and agree a new approach with the Brexit Party they will contest all seats. If the Tories go into a pact they will parget only remain seats. Brexiters on here who are you supporting? Boris/ the Tories with their weak (non) Brexit deal that has no chance of a trade agreement with the USA (FWIW there is zero chance of a trade deal with the USA anyway, anyone with the tiniest bit of US political knowledge knows a deal like this will take 4+ years to go through the relevant committees and get sign off from Dem controlled congress - just look at NAFTA) and other major countries or Farage and a true Brexit whilst running the risk of dillutting the right wing/ leave vote? Southampton Itchen (Labour's No1 target) a good example. If the Brexit party put up a candidate Rambo Royston will certainly lose his seat to the Labour candidate. Would normally say Nigel is bluffing but with Trump's backing and going on record today he looks serious to me.
Wouldn't surprise me. I did exactly that in '04 when I was on a banning order. Train was delayed and I was part of the 300+ escorted to the ground and we got there 20 mins late, basically bundled my way in as 200+ angry Saints behind me. Easy. Game wasn't as good as Tuesday's though
The United Kingdom and the Death of Boris Johnson as we know it.
JackanorySFC replied to CB Fry's topic in The Lounge
Just my 2 cents here but the "both sides" element is playing exactly into the Steve Bannon play book. Commentators above have drawn parallels with Trump/ US right wing politics of divide and conquer. Show zero remorse and use words/ rhetoric that focuses on voters most primal instinct, fear. Dog whistle words like "surrender" are used repeatedly for a reason. They're not an accident. Steve Bannon literally wrote the book on this and it's no coincidence he has been advising BJ. I mention the "both sides" thing as that is exactly what the Trump admin' focus on in their talking points. The disgusting, racist scenes at Charlottesville were the first proper "both sides" example and since then Fox and other right (and centre/ left) news channels and contributors have repeatedly gone down the road of "well for balance we should also mention..." then proceed to false equivalence in an attempt to play down the once a year (or longer) political bombshells that are dropping on a daily basis. Again, just an observation after spending a lot of time looking at US politics and thinking it would never get "that" bad over here. It actually is. My only hope is levels of literacy and access to independent news sources/ information are better here than the USA. Personally I hope/ think most people can see exactly what BJ and Cummings are attempting to do. On the side of the everyman they ain't. -
This is absolutely brilliant! Can't believe matey shared them unless it was one of ours in the home end? Our end looks ****ing brilliant! As for the arrests, only one Saints fan for possession of pyro. That means the lad that broke through the police and waded into their lot was not only uninjured (no use of ambulances/ reports of serious injury according to official report) but also didn't get nicked! The mush will never buy a pint in the city of Southampton again! Another Pompey myth turned upside down, hundreds and hundreds of their famous 6:57 lining the roads but all held back by a 3ft fence used to direct queues in airports. Meanwhile the scummers not only turned up but one broke out the escort and got right into them. Make no mistake, Tuesday night was a total nightmare for Pompey on and off the pitch. They live off the 6:57 thing as they can't cling on to anything football related due to their only post war success being aided by financial doping that saw local businesses shafted and charities out of pocket just so Kanu & Sol Campbell could earn £80k a week. The videos of scummers walking down Goldsmith Ave with their chests out and chins up as well as the carnage in the away end will hurt even more than the score. Well done to everyone that went down there. I've been critical of our support but Tuesday was brilliant! The scenes back in town also worth a mention. Looks like literally thousands out on the lash all day and ending up in Guildhall Sq. Love the Saints and love the city of Southampton.
Love Naples and Napoli (not just because the best TV show since the Sopranos is Gomorrah). Back in '08 (around the time of the original video Turkish posted) a few Saints mates (most of which post/ have posted on here - morning chaps) and myself went over to watch Napoli vs Lazio. Bonkers. Lazio fans were banned due to Napoli fans rioting in Rome in the previous fixture. still utterly mental over there. As soon as we got out the Sao Paulo station a geezer in a "Headhunter" baseball cap asked if we were Tottenham and fancied it. When we replied "we're Saints Mush" that threw him and he mumbled something about Le Tissier and left us to it. Huge tifos directed at the local government for not paying the Camorra enough to make them clean the rubbish from the streets and then later from Curva A to say they'd had a whip round to pay the fine for the crime committed by the lads from Curva B at AC Milan away (€10k I think?) and they should thank them for it. No one seemed to pay to get in the Curvas. No women. No kids. Just fellas from 14 - 60 in all looking smart AF in decent gear. Not a replica shirt in sight in any of the 4 stands. Air bombs, flares, showers of bottles thrown onto the tracks whenever a player missed a half decent chance and just a general moodiness I'll never forget. And Lavezzi. Wow! What a number 7! Maginificant player. Since then Napoli have been "my team" in Italy (despite the Roma/ Palermo alliances Saints fans have built up since then ) Few points re the derby. Sorry but the points above are totally true. This is not a game for the faint hearted. Like it or not the atmosphere will make a difference! This is no place for women or kids. Shirters that film themselves for YouTube channels can stay home too. If you're gonna go hood up, wear black, don't grass, give it everything you have to get behind the lads and be as nasty and vicious as you can for any skate (fan or player) that gets close to you. Be aware they will do exactly that to you/ us/ our players if they get have a chance. I should add that it is a fact that the skates bottle it against us when it is not tilted in their favour. Just look at how pathetic their support has been at EVERY game down here I can remember (first one the 3-0 drubbing in '96). They freeze. They grow up on the myths of their lying dad's and uncle's telling them how scared the scummers are of them etc etc and it destroys them every time/ generation that they see the whites of our eyes. They can't handle the myth being destroyed in front of them and they melt. EVERY time. Make sure this time is no different. On the pitch my opinion is the same now as it was in '96. If both teams play to the best of their ability we win 3-0. Let's do our bit off the pitch eh. Up the ****ing Saints!
Thanks, appreciate that. at least you provided some perceived benefits unlike Wes Tender who didn't offer a single one and instead decided to try and mock by business acumen and ability to change one's stance after 3 years. Nice guy who I'll be ignoring from now on. I'll respectfully disagree with you re trade. Using EU negotiated trade agreements my small business currently trades with countries all over the world easily. I'm lucky, I'm in the service sector and don't have to rely on the ports for import/ export. If I did the prospect of a NDB would make me look at setting up in the Netherlands or Germany personally. I'm probably a total snowflake for even suggesting that and no one else will be looking at it but personally that would be a key part of Brexit planning for me if I owned a import/ export goods business. From what I've read about farming WTO tariffs will decimate the industry leading to mass slaughter of livestock. I should add that is just what I've read from the National Farmers Union and I'm not a farmer myself. That £39bn is not guaranteed. If we refuse to pay the global money markets will see that as a payment default is my understanding. We will see though. Control of free movement is a good point and one of the reasons I was a leaver before. My feelings on this are still strong as believe our services are stretched to breaking point in certain areas. However if our economy/ society doesn't attract global talent to come and work for the NHS though we have a problem. One area I absolutely disagree with you is the influence of Nancy Pelosi. As Speaker of the House she is the third (a lot of people would argue second) most powerful person in US politics. Any new law or trade deal has to go through congress (which she controls) and once we hit October we are in a US election year cycle and there is zero chance of the dem's giving Trump a "win" via a major trade deal. The Irish influence comment is less to do with Pelosi and more to do with Dem/ GOP Senators/ Congressmen/women who have a significant Irish Catholic voting demographic. It's been made clear by both the Friends of Ireland and Irish National Caucus' that they would lobby strongly against any trade deal with the UK if we left via a no deal Brexit that did not include the back stop agreement. 20% of Americans describe their heritage as "Irish" (plastic paddies IMO) and these caucus' carry huge influence in both houses. That is before we get to the fact that Trump is a known liar that has zero interest in doing us any favours at all. Batman if you don't believe that people will die as a result of checkpoints back on the border then good for you as you clearly know more than anyone I know in Belfast or Londonderry. I believe they will trigger shootings and worse, as do most NI experts. If you don't you can just say why rather than simply calling it "Project Fear". Cheers. That's my 3 posts done for the day. Will let you lot get back to name calling and all that BS.
Yes they will (and I'm not talking about the worst off in society that already rely on foodbanks and could cope with a spike in food and heating costs). If border patrols return to Ulster people will definitely due. That is a fact surely? As per his promise to Merkel, Johnson still has 25 days to provide a realistic alternative to the backstop though so as an optimist I'm hoping he finds something.
Hi there, genuine question: Can you tell me why you're pleased at the prospect of no deal? Are you in a position to benefit from WTO tariffs on goods/ services? Do you believe the experts are all talking **** and it's a "project fear" thing? Do you feel a short/ medium term level of economic and social carnage is worth it for the sake of Sovereignty? I've probably been looking in the wrong places but can't see any genuine benefits from No Deal? I should add that I was a leaver that is now remain. Hands up, mea culpa etc - I ****ed up and didn't realise how bad leaving would be. I own my own business (service sector) and trade a lot (70%) with the USA (and know enough about politics over there to know a trade deal is totally impossible with Pelosi leading Congress and the huge internal influence of Irish PAC's) and a decent chunk with EU (15% - the rest is UK and ROW). I asked about benefiting from tariffs because being open and honest I benefit from a weak pound (we trade in $US and convert to £). A single benefit of "no deal" would be interesting to hear anyway.
Yes - No argument there Where has a single person claimed the Dayton, Ohio shooting was Trump's fault? Trump's anti immigration/ Latino rhetoric seems to be a strong motivator in the El Paso, Texas shooting but not heard Trump directly blamed for Dayton as the facts are simply not available (I admitted above I don't know the facts so would not blame anyone). I mentioned the 100 round clip (which could be total b*llocks) because he only had 62 seconds to fire off 41 rounds (he had 250 on him) before he was taken out by law enforcement. If he had to change his clip in the middle of a 62 second burst of carnage I suspect less people would have been shot. These facts were just said on a live feed I've watched of the local Police Chief. Again, I'm no expert there and happy to wait until the truth is fully available. I get a lot of things wrong and happy to put my hands up when I do. Partly. There was constant frustration with Obama not getting strong gun control measures through. However it was obvious he was hamstrung by the Republican Senate during his second term. It was also obvious he had empathy for the victims and on a person level he wanted to introduce gun control laws. In his first time he partly did this with the mental health background checks that Trump took away early in his administration. It's worth mentioning (again) that there are more of these mass shootings now than any time under Obama, Bush II, Clinton or Bush. Wrong. the majority of Americans support gun control. Literally every single survey says this. A massive 89% support background checks (inc 80% of republicans) and 57% support a total ban on semi auto assault weapons. I also agree it won't be easy and there is an obsession with the 2nd amendment. Look, I get it. You want to somehow, for some reason (I don't know you or your politics so won't pretend to understand) suggest the President/ Congress/ Senate cannot change this and couldn't anyway because all Americans are obsessed with guns. I imagine this is why you are bringing up Obama for no reason whatsoever, in fact he's (as stated above) a great example of how the political system in the US bound his hands. Trump does not have that issue (Congress have passed the law, the Senate controlled by his guy won't allow a vote) but "owes" the NRA a (reported) $30m in campaign contributions. This is not a partisan issue though, if Trump and Mitch McConnell got behind it there could be a bill passed in 24hrs banning semi auto weapons and requiring background checks. The goodwill is there in both houses (easily enough dem's and repub's to pass it). Again, I agree there is a gun ownership issue but if you can make it harder for these lunatics to get their hands on these weapons it could be the first step to a broader reworking of gun control laws that is more in line with every other civilised democracy on the planet. None of which have the same issues at the USA with gun deaths. Again, that'll take generations but step one can start today is Trump decided to get McConnell on board and support it. He won't. That is the problem.
Don't know yet, will see when we know the full facts. Early reports say yes, the Dayton, Ohio (although Trump just quoted "Toledo" instead as he's a total ****ing moron) shooter would've been tagged with the "red flag" rules previously proposed and it looks like he used a 100 round clip that would have been made illegal. I'm not prepared to say an emphatic yes yet as we simply don't know the facts. Agree totally that the obsession with gun ownership there is potentially beyond help. Will take generations to fix but they have to start sometime/ somehow. Let's face it though, there is a President in place that openly incites racism and violence (on camera) and has zero empathy with the victims of these crimes - even golfing all weekend ffs and has a Senate leader in McConnell that will not put any kind of gun control measure to any vote no matter how popular it is in Congress. This will happen again, and again, and again....
Unfortunately that is not true. More people have been killed in the years since Trump became president than any year previously. It's also a fact that it is easier now to buy guns than it was under Obama. One of Trump's first (if not his actual first) executive order was to remove mental health related background checks Obama brought in. Ironically one of the major talking points re reasons for this BS from the Republicans is mental health (they refuse to mention white supremacy). Trump was funded by the NRA to the tune of $30m during the '16 elections. The democratic controlled Congress have passed 2 laws making it harder for domestic abusers and those with mental health issues to buy guns. Mitch McConnell (Republican leader of the Senate) has refused to put these laws to a vote. Those saying we shouldn't politicise these events are (and I choose my words carefully here) ****ing idiots. How else are these shootings going to stop if it isn't through politics, "thoughts and prayers" maybe? Quite simply one party wants to make it harder to own guns than the other. That other party receive huge financial support from gun manufacturers and their lobbying group the NRA. IMO only a total moron would fail to see the link between gun ownership/ accessibility and mass shootings. The system is beyond corrupt and people are dying regularly. The fact Trump spent the entire weekend literally playing golf whilst this was happening is totally bonkers but not unexpected for a guy who clearly has narcissistic personality disorder and a total inability to express even the smallest level of empathy for any situation.
They charge utter peanuts for tickets though. Match day revenue ain't all that down in their sh17 tip.