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Everything posted by TNT

  1. What total garbage.
  2. What a load of old bullshine from top to bottom.
  3. Didnt think Crouch had much to do with the three managers employed by Lowe in relegation from the Premiership. Add the disastrous appointment of Jan Poortvliet by Lowe and another relegation via Lowe.
  4. TNT

    Leon Crouch

    Ive seen the photo and the last thing he looks is smug FFS LOL You just want to slag him off, end of. Amazing how this thread has attracted the usual pro lowers
  5. TNT

    Leon Crouch

    LOL, Heard it all now...........
  6. TNT

    Leon Crouch

    Nineteen canteen gets on the roll to ruin yet another thread on this forum.
  7. TNT

    Leon Crouch

    Not one bit of evidence to suggest this im afraid.
  8. WGAF Trawling companies house for minor business holdings is the habit for oddballs IMHO I blame you for supporting Lowe etc yawn z z z z
  9. But he had no powers to do anything bar from a six month period that ended in May of 2008. You simply cannot blame someone for such and such when they have no say in anything ! Anyway i doubt Leon Crouch is interested in a "handful" of mislead fans who have been suckered by anti comments on a internet forum.
  10. Why would Fry be in contact with the photocopier salesman ? His bid was thrown out as being miles away from what was wanted.
  11. Where there is talk of £8m i suspect its near on double that, what Barclays and aviva want. I guess they want alot of it upfront as well and not 70% via installments.
  12. TNT

    Solent news.

    'Opinion' or is that 'wind up' ??? Making this forum a farce with childlish remarks made to osers straight posts.
  13. TNT

    Solent news.

    Another thread ruined by this pathetic trolling idiot nineteen canteen.
  14. TNT

    Solent news.

    Under the 'Hone' watch it has to be said. Well those that had executive powers anyway.
  15. TNT

    Solent news.

    Yeah heard RS and thought, very odd no mention.
  16. It was barclays that pulled the plug into administration not posters on here.
  17. I cannot see any further than no party (two) have come up with what mark Fry considers to be a realistic value on the whole sale. Hence the rumours of selling the Stadium off on its own.
  18. Is 'overseas' Jersey
  19. TNT

    Solent news.

    Fry still trying to make more money out of the deal by flogging the stadium off to a third party ??
  20. I actually think this is a worthy debate as delays by threatening to sell the stadium to a third party to get more money seem very relevant. Can someone tell me if a more higher sum is gained by the administrator that they in turn get a higher commision ?
  21. TNT

    Pinnacle & MLT

    Blimey Hyde Park Corner for you sir........ Not sure why pinnacle have finally 'learnt their lesson' etc as they have not said anythng of note to be honest. Anxiety on the whole situation is rising to boiling point.
  22. TNT

    Pinnacle & MLT

    I can assure there are other people that know things apart from Fry, maybe not detail but something. Regarding the other parties we have the two lowe associates who claim they are in the mix as mentioned in the media and eyeballed at St Marys. I can probably name the third party but won't as its old ground.
  23. TNT

    Pinnacle & MLT

    Well i kind of agree with Docker and my post on here was also trying to allude to whats past the Le tissier PR. I also dont see the point in calling them 'Pinnacle' if its not there money behind it.The problem is we know the Ids of the two other main parties. If they make preferred bidder then we should see all their cards on the table. As fans we where stitched up like kippers by Askham in 1997 and we dont want that again. Docker is not criticising i suspect he is very nervous like us all !
  24. I do have a couple of names to hand but i cant think they would be allowed on here ?
  25. Matt wearing a tie today on Soccer Saturday Must be off to meet someone later today..........
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