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Everything posted by TNT

  1. I doubt they are considering it but in years to come its an option.
  2. Well i think you would still upgrade staplewood as we are currently league 1. In future years maybe once back in the PL there might be thoughts of moving to a new facility. Its an option at the least.
  3. The Staplewood upgrade is cosmetic with a new building it has to be said. When you have a blank canvass say like jacksons farm the world is your oyster. JF would be far more strategically placed rather than in the middle of nowhere like marchwood.
  4. Highly unlikely to be housing for a very very longtime and would of been better to create a state of the art modern training ground.
  5. Not everything is lifted from here it comes from skysports, national newspapers and other fans forums as well. That indeed is where things are coming from to be on here !
  6. Not really as they appeared in local newspapers and their respective clubs forums.
  7. No bank in the world will let them have any money anyway !
  8. Morgan Schnederlin
  9. Reinstate the post now i say and stop censorship.
  10. 100% fake
  11. Rumour going around that he and his company have been booted out Edit......... Some might say hes banned himself
  12. Sounds very plausible.
  13. I think thats why the Club appointed a london based media company to deal with such stuff.
  14. JB is not married she is gay I will go for heather Locklear
  15. Anybody happy with a point at Leeds or will that be a poor result ?
  16. I think she bats for the other side mate
  17. I presume you will all be buying rage against the machine then
  18. Get a grip !! One minor newspaper journalist from numerous that are present at St Marys. How do you think the Daily Echo gets the stories they do about Saints ?
  19. Far from being crap as the club employ a media pr firm on the basis of controlling the clubs media. The club never said do not print it merely asked for a delay to cover the official press release. Some people on here clearly do not understand how things work and the involvemet of pr companies supplying articles to newspapers. The Echo like many local newspapers around the country will have a 'working relationship'.
  20. I think the Club are totally justified in their stance with the Daily Echo. I too would not be happy, when you supply the paper with many articles for their personal coverage. The club help the Echo tenfold and a little bit of respect waiting for the official word was nothing to ask. The Daily Echo seem to be overpopulated with sports staff anyway. If they have been pestering them constantly for stories i too would get fed up. Its about time the daily echo where put in their place.
  21. What a horrible nasty post from a so called Saints fan. There was me thinking that these people where actually trying to help the club from complete closure. Little wonder this forum us deing on its arse and respected fans are leaving it.
  22. Only a matter of time with them around anyway.
  23. Oh my god he looks a right goon.
  24. Oh dear what a disaster
  25. Interest free loan, but he aint going to see it again lets be honest !
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