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Everything posted by TNT

  1. Pro Rupert Lowe fan starts anti Crouch thread zzzzz Put a six figure sum into the kitty i suggest Frank or shut up.
  2. The only thing i can get from Wilde is that Lowe shafted him on shoeing him out the door in 2006. Many London Saints fans i know claim this came via Lowe totallly unwilling to sell his shares and continuing to scare the Wilde regime using fake threats to sell the share proxy. This all stopped and blocked a small but worthy lump of investment into the club.
  3. We should of gone into admin last October all accounts. Rupert Lowe has made the claim that Barclays told him then that the overdraft would not be renewed. There was no way in hell that come March money would be around to keep things going until the end of the season. Lowe even brought in a new coach and contract players in January ! The whole thing sucks.....
  4. I doubt he will be welcome at St Marys anymore and in time i would like to see Askham and Richards banned as well. No doubt we will have to suffer their presence on Saturday alongside the financial director Dave Jones. :mad:
  5. Well he wont be the hero it will be those willing to take on such a job !
  6. I read on bbc 606 he supports Liverpool ??
  7. No help for you im afraid as you have been taken in lock stock.
  8. Ahh your post typifies how wrong someone can be going on what you read on the internet. A history of overeacting ? when misleading statements ? when and what Play the media ? LOL As it stands today i understand Crouch has stopped the football club from going into admin at the beginning of this week. It involved another large sum of money which he is never going to see again. Luckily its literally a handful of misinformed fans on a internet forum that continue to barrack those stopping the club folding totally. So in the meantime unless you write out a cheque for £300,000 i suggest you shut up.
  9. Ahh that was the first amount its risen a fair wack since then.
  10. How is he acting like you say ?
  11. Well i think we should be hearing from someone who again has got his own chequebook out again this week. Speaking to a steward it would appear that Crouch is currently keeping SFC alive. Thats why he wants other people to get to Burnley and help pay wages towards stewards and staff etc
  12. Not seen matt le tissiers name on the doner list either or indeed terry paine, mary bates, etc etc Lets all hate them for not doing so....
  13. All this is greek to me but am i not saying the obvious in that if 'Southampton football club limited' is for sale then you would not need to set up a new company ? I thought it was 'holdings' company that had become defunct.
  14. Well i imagine cashflow now is non-existant as there has been no season ticket sales which would have brought in a couple of early bird £2m.
  15. TNT

    First car

    My ex boyfriends saxo which lasted a week as i wrapped in round a lampost.
  16. Absolute disgrace that Dave Jones and Richards are sat in those seats.
  17. Wow people are slagging someone on the basis of one radio interview ! Priceless I heard him down the central hall in 2006 and he was spot on with what he said and everyone in the hall gave him a very big clap.
  18. Using the same notion as you have done can Rupert Lowe and cronies write out a cheque for £120 million+ in lost revenue due to their incompetent running and creating relegation in 2005 ?
  19. Not sure how you can reach that assumption. Maybe its derived from seeing whats written on internet forums. If other directors contributed like he has done recently in the past then things would not be so bad. What does he have two corporate boxes and suite tables. Im sure a pre season with Pearson would of seen his credential sky rocket. I do often wonder what people base their views on.
  20. Well im not sure of that as it was in the Evening standard to start with ? Having read this forum for a while some of the things mentioned by this saintlee, do not seem to add up that well either. At the time i read on another Saints forum that the whole Paul Allen affair in the papers was set up by Rupert Lowe. This accusation was backed up by the share price going through the roof and shares that where sold to some Jersey chap from Lowes dad where sold. I find all these so called takeovers around 2007 where set up to disrupt those in office by those who where pushed out the office. This character marc jackson certainly seem to of been on the wind up. Having recently viewed the bournemouth echo website photo gallery his appearance and company at a match certainly confirm he was walter mitty material.
  21. I do not know why people give this nineteen canteen the time of day.
  22. Not to mention a league cup final, european football, Kevin Keegan two fa cup semi finals etc etc :roll:
  23. Reputation tarnished along time ago ? What did he do
  24. He will have to pay the £2500 fine himself
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