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lancelot link

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Everything posted by lancelot link

  1. Excellent point!!! But we can all have an opinion!!
  2. see my earlier post! What we say on a public forum debate is neither here nor there, but you do have to question why we are all debating whether or not these people have the clout and know how to pull off what would be a dream takeover. A few facts however do make me relaxed about it - it has MLTs support (FACT), it has long term plans and are not here to rip us off (FACT), - its taking a view on whether the 10 points thing is legal (FACT), - will this be accepter by Fry or done before anyone beats them to it (the only unknown but at least they even told us that!)
  3. Pinnacle aren't buying it MM, someone they/MLT know is (wants to). And as far as I can tell its only a trading company anyway
  4. This is the closest anyone has got to the reality of the situation. Put simply, have we considered that if we are stuck in L1 for more than 1 season (or even worse - go down again), it will probably double the budget needed - not because these people would have to fund for 'another year' but because most fans, myself included, might not have the appetite to go and watch us playing Acrington Stanley for more than 1 year (no 'who are they" jokes please!). Then we get a major problem as SMS will be half empty (at best) for games, there'll be no atmosphere and for all their ambitions, it just won't work. So lets take stock, we've got a statement making clear that their/MLT plan isn't for an overnight fix. They've been honest and told us what they are doing, but kept every single part of the deal top secret. I would love to see MLT back in some capacity and as he actually is ITK like so many (me included) who claim they are, I'm on board. Please make this work
  5. well I dont know the bloke so I cant say whether he's an idiot, but fair point if he's proved to failed in the past. do you know why he failed? be interesting to make sure Fry knows so its not a repitition of past mistakes...... and whats his link with football anyway, read some posts about him buying AFCB?
  6. fair point WC except we dont know who is actually behind the deals. these are just agents?
  7. I dont know FF but if theres still 3 people at the table its not all doom and gloom. Fry is no mug, and I doubt any of the 3 at the table are or they wouldnt be taken seriously. I still reckon the Guernsey boys are the 3rd though. Could be wrong of course
  8. call me thick but how are they all not honouring the NDA? Its now known that MJ is one party but details not know, MLTs lot issued a statement saying they were looking at it but wouldnt say any more until they actually were sure they'd done the deal, and if theres a 3rd lot we don't know anything about them - in summary, other that MJ being one party, MLTs lot another and possibly a 3rd we dont have ANY details!!
  9. no he's on record saying he was never part of sorting out a FC before
  10. well this could be complete b/s but i've just been told that the pinnacle guy(s) are on there way to SMS. I'm tempted to drive there myself and see!
  11. Round of applause for Le God, he's a class act http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSsdfe4Z69g =D>=D>=D>
  12. Stanley - the same person who told me MLT would be making his support known for one lot also told me that souness was one of the other bidders. and on the basis that he was spot on with MLT I'm going to believe he might be right about Souness. Not sure how I'd feel about him, but he's a football man and at this stage in the game, anyone other than the old bunch of useless overpaid under educated idiots would do. Im off to watch paint dry and hope something happens soon!
  13. and dont forget, the Guernsey boys arent out of the running yet. Its Souness, them, and MLTs property guys - I wonder what the odds are down at Corals!!
  14. DT Im afraid Im not that subtle or intelligent - when something comes into the brain, bosh, out it comes! But you did make me chuckle, thanks!
  15. well actually now that you say that, it sets my mind to work...... could this have actually be the actions of an intelligent man who did so on purpose KNOWING that there would be this ramification which would devalue the club...... all for personal gain, believing that nobody else would want to buy us leaving him to 'SAVE' us and in doing so getting the clubs debts greatly reduced?! Maybe a bit of a wild theory but it could make sense?!
  16. Not as stupid as allowing Lowe to waltz back into the club in the first place :smt009
  17. either because he is stupid or didnt believe theyd be deducted the points. And for the record i am NOT a lover of RL!
  18. But its not that straightforward nick since the club is not in administration. and if we're to believe that an appeal can be won then the club itself will be unharmed, just the parent companys fall out with its creditors. Im sure theres much more to this than meets the eye. what little I did find out leads me to believe that all interested parties know roughly want they will pay for the club but they have to make guesses on how much money will be needed long term to try and actually turn it around? remember, in the main, football clubs dont make money - except them big buys at the other end of the spectrum to us, and even then theres only a handful who make money.
  19. I did mate. I didn't hear saturday though. Heres hoping the deal will be on table soon eh
  20. what news channel mate? he didnt say that on wave 105, just that they had talks and are awaiting to see what the administrator does.
  21. Just heard MLT on the wave 105 talking about it. only caught the back end of it but he definately said he's involved and "they'll wait to see what the administrator decides".... does that mean a bid has been made??
  22. I couldnt agree with you more. We know there is at least 2 bids, maybe 3. No details are known about any of them other than speculation. The guernsey guys have been named as some snapper was either in the right place at the right time or he/she was tipped off. As for the other lot (or 2 lots) nobody knows anything about them, other than an agent politely telling everyone to keep a lid on it and let them and Mr Fry get on with their jobs. Whatever happens, it seems that one way or another one of these 2/3 groups are going to buy us. So call me vain but at this stage I'd say we have reason to be positive, not moaning at each other :smt075
  23. well Derry Im not an administrator but Fry seems to be a smart bloke and gives off a lot of confidence. Im sure we're in good hands with him. off to watch the champions league match. Enjoy the debate and you lot stop arguing!! Lance
  24. I dont know mate, I presume the only person who can answer the $64m question is MF himself. But if i was a betting man Id suggest that if what is on the table was good enough he would have said yes already??? This club needs a decent new owner, a plan to get us out of the **** and UNITY of the fans. Frictions and arguments serve nobodys interests Amen!!
  25. Derry/Farmer/everyone else I think you're all right in some ways. Some want to support people they know/heard of.... some want to support ANY bid. The harsh reality in life is if Mr Fry believed the bid he has was acceptable then he'd jump at it, so theres clearly some parts of that that we don't know. As for a potential bid, I really hope there is another, preferably more as the more options the better presumably for the Club. What I don't however agree with is everyone arguing about things they suggest they know. As far as I see it, no details of any bid has been released to the public, and you wouldnt expect it to be! The only losers in us arguing amongst each other is the credability of a public forum/debate. I for one for what its worth support the MLT scenario as I'd love to see him back where he belongs. BUT, if you read the statement in the echo, its clear that they havent been working on it for long "in the short time available to us" which suggests that 1) there must be a deadline and 2) they want to make a detailed bid. If they don't have the time to make such a bid, then I vote we all get behind ANY bid which Fry deems acceptable???
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