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Everything posted by mirrorcarp

  1. Sounds good NR,i will give him a call.
  2. All the concrete has got to go. I have just spent the last hour looking at the costs involved DIY and to be honest its a non starter. Would have to hire all the gear and as above i really dont want the hassle of breaking up and getting rid of the concrete. I can turn my hand to most things but i dont fancy taking it on. My drive is 48 sq metres and thats a lot of concrete.
  3. Thanks for all the imput guys. Never even thought about doing it myself. I am a carpenter so fairly practical sort of person. I will get some quotes from the people suggested and go from there. It would have to be a significant saving to take it on myself. NRSAINT you say yours was done 6 years ago,have you had any problems with rutting under the vehicles or has it dropped anywhere. I guess if it was going to it would have done so by now.
  4. Would you recommend them (prestige paving) NRSAINT. Are you happy with the job,price etc.
  5. To be honest i have looked into this a little and it appears that like anything a little maintenance is required now and again. People are lazy never bothering to sweep or keep on top of any weeds etc. My next door neighbours gutters have got 2 ft high weeds growing out of them because he cant be asked. I think block paving makes the best looking drives but does need to be looked after like anything else or it will look bad over time. I have a concrete drive at the moment which has cracked and gets constantly covered in weeds. With block paving i think weed killer twice a year and a good sweep or two should keep it looking nice. As regards the sinking it would appear that like most things its all in the prep work. Cut corners and you dont get a proper job,hence my reasons for starting this thread. Surely someone out there must have one they are pleased with that has stood the test of time.
  6. He is a mechanic. If your in the pub at 12 i will be astonished. Back to the thread. Has any one out there had one done recently and been pleased with the result. I dont spend £1000s without research. "Give it to ron" dont know any full members we are all too tight. Whats your friends business called.
  7. Thanks for that bowers. I guess i should of mentioned that i live in Totton so any recommendations would have to cover my area. Going to get 3 quotes .
  8. Can anyone recommend a decent outfit to block pave my drive. Gets a bad press this sort of trade and would like it done properly.
  9. I have nothing to add to this thread other than Kirsty Gallagher is looking dam fine on sky sports news.
  10. Bit harsh calling yourself an idiot cryoman. Nutter more like. Anyway top marks for your 12 hour vigil at the ticket office and my ticket is very much appreciated. So much more effective than your old fax machine tee hee
  11. Will liverpool be breaking from tradition and wearing red and white stripes this season ?
  12. Hospitals are paid for by taxpayers. HMRC are supposed to collect tax. They are very good at doing this to your average working man and honest businesses. They are not very good at collecting taxes from that disgusting business that is the skates. I have to file a monthly tax return and pay my tax the same month.If i do not do this i get fined £100 and then get fined on the fines until they are paid. Trucky you are a friend of mine and i know you dont have to deal with the revenue direct. If you did you would know that they are a totally inept,soul less ,incompetant (may have spelt that wrong because its a big word)organisation. They will never ever get all the money they are owed from the skates but would put me out of business in the blink of an eye for a few grand. So to conclude the HMRC are a bunch of c..nts and i have no desire to bless them. Still love ya though even if you are a bit strange.......
  13. At the end of last season and in the last few weeks of this season i have been betting on all the teams i want to lose to win.The simple reason being that i never ever win thus assuring positive outcomes for my beloved saints.Last night for the first time this strategy failed and i actually won a decent bit of cash.I feel dirty and take no pleasure in the money so i will be trying to lose it again at the weekend. West ham win and coventry win pays 13/1 West ham win and coventry draw pays 7/1 I believe only these results would result in us not going up. I have bet enough on each scenario that should the worst happen then next years season ticket will be paid for. BUT we will win and the best case scenario is that i lose every penny. Come on saints , lets make southampton a major party zone saturday.
  14. I have today put £100 on a west ham win at 13/8. My record at betting is truly appalling and hopefully I will lose every penny.
  15. 20 minutes from boro. dr browns for some serious drinking. Up the saints
  16. Any one staying In the Metro inn Teeside. Cheap as chips.
  17. Im staying in boro and will be scared to leave my room after reading this thread.
  18. This should definately happen. Itchen corner would be best place for it. Cant be that hard to do. Probably get confiscated though, health and safety and all that.
  19. Rut & truckasaurus to think you both used to where bum flaps.Now thats a proper clue .....
  20. Tend to disagree with that last line. Normal pub prices for beer with a good selection, free to get in and private dances a tenner if you want one,though I agree fyeo is a bit classier.
  21. As an avid reader of this thread and someone who does not post i feel compelled to post today . Please please please can we not put pictures of cheats fc,s inbred supporters on our website. That is all.
  22. Pleased to know it's not just me and my mates that accidentally stumble into these establishments.adds a continental feel to the day I find.just like Bucharest in 2003.
  23. Would that be browns or somewhere else. Not that im interested in this sort of thing of course.
  24. Activia intensly creamy. How very apt. (the ad next to cryomans post)
  25. Love this thread,but can someone explain to me in simple terms. WHY NO POINTS DEDUCTION,it seems to me a bit of a joke that they seem to be getting away with it.That old git who was in charge of the football league when we were in admin would of thrown the book at em.
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