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Everything posted by mirrorcarp
We have decided to treat this one as a bit of a one off. Going to fly sat morning ,night out in Newcastle and fly home Sunday lunchtime. Sod the expense we could be top of the league ha ha.
Lots of discussion in our group about how to get there. Anyone found any good deals on trains or planes for this. Best i managed £170 fly southampton or £106.50 on train. Car clearly cheapest but dont fancy this option. Anyone else using public transport.
My mate actually did this last year. Slept on a bedchair. 1st in the queue though.
Well if you have a job and are such a monster fan then why don't you buy your own f****g season ticket. Can you really not see why you should wait your turn to go to arsenal instead of being all smug with yourself.other people deserve to buy their tickets before you, end of story.
Second that..
Second that.....
We are all hoping we can get roger in his seat. He is in a bad way rog but we would all like him to come.
That is football in a nutshell
Hey rut are you able to get over for the funeral,would be nice to see you. That place will be heaving, Salmon Leap for drinks and a good cry after. Lee
Remember it well badger. I think the fact that you remember him so well says it all really. I have so many memories of the hundreds of games we did together. The bay city rollers song, that always makes me smile. Watching the saints is so much more than just football isnt it. You and your crowd have a drink for him next game,he d like that.
Thats him. He was always the life and soul and everyone that met him would remember him. Loud and boisterous he could drive you mad but he had a heart of gold. Football will never quite be the same again for our group. 25 years watching the saints together he will leave a huge hole.
Thanks mate. None of the gang doing too well to be honest,we are all absolutely bloody devastated. Dunno if you read this thread but when them stewards threw me out that was the last time i ever saw him so missed our last ever after match pint.There will be a great big saints crest made of red and white flowers next friday to see him off. Hope you and lisa are doing ok. The saints have lost another special fan, For those of you curious we are talking about the legend that was Truckasaurus on the Skate takeover thread ,sadly passed 6th october aged 47.
I was chatting to the guy on medication on saturday just as the flask came into view.He was popping prosac pills like smarties and kept winking at me. Very suspicous. Im now worried it could of been one of those date rape type concoctions,will have to keep a close eye on him sunday.
Yes its all new to me this internet chatting. Glasgow Saint wants to be my friend,can someone tell me what this means. Ive never had an internet friend before , should i be worried. Im sure hes a very nice chap and all but i hardly know him..........
The only way to prove somebody is drinking alcohol is to confiscate said item unless of course its obviously a can of beer or something.I used the term not guilty because it felt like i was on trial waiting for a verdict. Its quite interesting though which is why this thread has had so many posts. Would this have happened had i took a swig from an evian bottle laced with vodka. Other people have stated on here that bottle tops are often not removed. At the end of the day, right or wrong the only way to be sure is stick to the £4 plastic bottles of carling that we all love so much and drink em in the concourse, thats certainly what i will be doing from now on.
Being serious for a minute. My advise for anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation is bite your lip, don't react, stay calm and co operate. Its hard to do but you gotta see the bigger picture. Remember mist things are on CCTV so if you have been treated harshly as I believe I was you will be ok.,and for the record there has not been any dobbin in.
I think its fair to say that hip flasks containing anything are not a good idea.Scones however are fine.
Thanks for the solidarity guys, I'm welling up.
I did not know ice cubes were banned as well.
Only 18 more posts and this thread will have had more than the Crystal Palace Post Match Thread. My 1st ever thread as well.
Well for all of you that have followed the thread i thought i would come on and give you the outcome. Jury Verdict ......... NOT GUILTY I am free to go ,ticket returned so there is no need to protest on sunday with your "Free the hipflask 1" tee shirts. I will keep the details private but all i will say is that the people at the club that have dealt with the matter have been superb to me and been very fair. So if anyone would like to shake my hand i will be with the noisy,roudy, drunken mob having it large in the stadium on sunday. UP THE SAINTS
right guys I'm going to stop posting.I came on here for some advise and to all of you that offered it I'm grateful. Someone said it seemed a bit random and that's exactly what it was. I truly hope the club have the whole thing on CCTV as it will back up all I have said. Been watching saints since 1977 so let's get me banned and replaced by some glory hunter who will be gone as quick as he came. I'm guilty of naivety that's it.Any one else on hear made the odd mistake. I hope this gets sorted big time , I have spent 10s of thousands on the saints and will continue to do so if allowed. I hope to be there Sunday with you all. Up the saints and goodnight.
The police
they are not strangers when you have all been sat in the same seats for ten years.
Incredible isn't it, in my possession for maybe 3 seconds.no body else even spoken to.