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nickjsshaw's Achievements

  1. I’d be keen if these are still available! My email is n.j.shaw85@gmail.com
  2. That's brilliant, thanks so much for this!
  3. Is Everton 94-95 MOTD the home game? If so that was my first game so if there was any way of sending or uploading that would be hugely appreciated, would love to see that Ronnie Ekelund goal again!
  4. If this is still available I'm definitely interested - my emails's n.j.shaw85@gmail.com
  5. If ben05 doesn't get back to you, I'll gladly take it off your hands. Let me know - n.j.shaw85@gmail.com
  6. I'm interested in buying these tickets from you (coming down after work from London tonight and don't really want to be sat in silence in the Chapel), but don't have PM privileges, so if the tickets are still for sale let me know - nickshaw85@gmail.com Thanks!
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