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Everything posted by SaintJackoInHurworth

  1. If I were going to be at the Oldham match I would have considered trying to lead the way in getting people singing it, but unfortunately I won't be there. Nevertheless, when Saints come up to the North-East to play Hartlepool at the end of November I will try to lead the way if I can!! Must admit I can't now get the Smurf's chorus out of my head!! lol
  2. The Smurf chorus has surely got to be considered!!! Click on the link below and forward to 53 seconds in and play until 1 minute 14 seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS5ER8HaIhU Personally I think that would be hilarious!
  3. A few musings from a non-Full member who is quite good with numbers... Getting between 64 and 69 is going to be tough but is not impossible. My hope is that we can achieve this, but I am not going to make any expectations that we will. My only expectation is that we will finish well clear of relegation. As some have pedantically suggested, in actual fact because we will have to gain an extra ten points, the actual points needed could be a tiny bit smaller as it will reduce the amount of points that others can get. However, ten points less for other teams divided between 23 teams is not a lot, so the difference is negligible and worrying about it is definitely very pedantic! If you did want to be pedantic and worry about those ten points, you would potentially be wrong to assume that they would come predominantly from teams higher up the table. While teams in the top half would between them have more points that could be taken back to contribute to the extra ten points needed by Saints, on average Saints are likely to claim more points from teams in the lower half of the table, because they are the teams that lose more games. So the contribution could actually be larger from the lower table teams! Both NickG and MLG were correct on the other thread! They were just arguing two different things! MLG was right to say that if you go ahead of the team in 7th, you move into 7th position, while NickG was right to say that if Scünthorpe had got two less points than they did they would still have been promoted (although of course if they had lost those two points playing Tranmere, the team in 7th, then that would not have been the case, as this would have implied that instead of beating Tranmere they would have drawn against them and thus Tranmere would themselves have had one extra point!) Ultimately though the argument was again very pedantic!! Hmm, I think we should have a competition to see who is the best pedant in this forum... do you think I'd win?!! (Cue: someone pointing out some error in my argument...!!)
  4. As a Christian, perhaps I can clear up a few points here! While Jesus did tell a rich young man to sell everything, give it to the poor and follow him, it does not follow that this is the calling for all Christians (though it is for some - e.g. Mother Theresa). In fact the point in that story is more to do with the attitude of the young man's heart to wealth than necessarily to some legalistic killjoy demand that Jesus had. The bible teaches good stewardship of our resources. This is the one basis of the protestant work ethic which still largely governs the western approach to business. If Liebherr believes that investing good wages, etc. in a good player will be a wise investment, then that is an example of good stewardship. The bible also teaches 'tithing'. This means that an individual commits to giving at least 10% of their income back to God - often, in effect, giving to charitable causes. Consequently, the larger a return that Liebherr gets from his investements the more you would expect him to give to God/worthy causes. The 'camel through and eye of a needle' reference was an example of hyperbole. Jesus used this teaching method a lot. Basically the idea is that you make your point more forcefully by exaggerating. That having been said, some claim that the 'eye of a needle' may have been a gate in Jerusalem, though I believe there is insufficient evidence to back up this claim. In those days rich Jews used their wealth to suggest that they were in some way better in the eyes of God than the poor. Jesus was (as he often did) turning the whole issue on its head. Finally, with reference to the comments by Legod Third Coming: - you might like to note that historians of all shades of belief accept that Jesus was not a made up figure, but genuinely existed. The only debate is whether he is/was who he claimed to be. I believe he is, but I do not want to disrespect anyone else's right to believe he was not. In summary, while I guess it is a hard issue for ML to work through, it is not necessarily inconsistent with his faith. I am not sure what I would do if I had the same level of wealth, but ultimately it is an issue for ML, his conscience, his faith and his God.
  5. Has anyone tried translating his name to find out what it means??!!! I've just done so and I couldn't believe wat it came up with... ...now before I get charged with libel let me point out wht I did and assert that this is not what I am calling him - it is just what is coming up in a translation engine! I simply translated his name as written in English script back into Arabic. I then translated the Arabic text into English.. The result?.... (I couldn't believe this when it came out!!!...) n. pussy, vulva, relief If you don't believe me try it for yourself. Go to this website to do it: http://translation.babylon.com/Arabic
  6. Your Graham Baker is definitely Alan Ball - take a look at this link: http://www.comparestoreprices.co.uk/celebrity-autographs/unbranded-alan-ball-hand-signed-10-x-8-photo.asp
  7. Looks like (maybe!) I wasn't far off! (OK I accept CB Fry's point that the Mirror won't have put much time and money into it but the basic argument still holds good) Of course, the other possibility is that there is some truth in the rumour (especially if the Echo are right in saying that Cortese is intending to appoint a DoF at some stage) and that Coppell has basically said that he isn't prepared to consider the role until next summer, when he has had some time off and had time to consider his options.
  8. Hmm - I thought stubs were the bit of the ticket usually kept by the stewards. I thought the rest was just known as the ticket? Or is it the bit kept by the stewards that you are talking about? I have got a number of tickets from matches I have been to, especially the 1979 League Cup Final. I also have the programme and rosette from that match.
  9. Hmmm... I doubt this is true... I think the reality is more likely to go a bit like this: * Cortese gives some vague hints as to the sort of structure he would like to see at the club.... Some time later... * The Mirror hears a rumour that Saints are talking to someone who has previously been employed by Brentford and Palace. * The Mirror jumps to the conclusion that Saints are about to sign Coppell as DoF. * The Mirror begins to put the story together. * Saints announce that Wally Downes has been signed as coach, thus bringing in a two tier structure with Pardew in charge of transfers and player management and Downes in charge of coaching. * The Mirror decide to continue with their story anyway having invested a lot of time and money into it.
  10. LOL - that made me laugh! Can imagine someone clutching that thing with clenched teeth ready to hit out at the next person to make that joke!!
  11. Hmm - interesting editing going on on the Wikipedia website now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Kluivert Sounds like the truth is out!
  12. I agree, but also this also just about sums up why I think the usage of this stupid rule is so wrong..! The rule was introduced to stop clubs getting a competitive advantage of the sort enjoyed by Leicester, where they were able to use it to gain promotion. It was not introduced to hit struggling football clubs over the head with their debts in order to make things even worse... yet that seems exactly how these rules are now being used! Isn't it about time the Football League took a long hard look at this rule and re-examined the spirit of the rule and the reasons it was introduced, in order to get away from the situation where clubs are abused in this way?! Saints, Darlington, Bournemouth, Rotherham, etc... there are so many clubs that are being punished for simply struggling financially. It's a bit like if the government instead of bailing Northern Rock out, had told them they had to cut interest rates on all loans by 1%! Everyone would have riddiculed the government for being out of touch and unsympathetic to a British firm and its investors and savers, etc.
  13. I thought exactly the same thing myself.
  14. How can you say Mills looked poor?!! IMO he was one of our best players!! He made a number of teasing runs and linked up play excellently. He was streets better than when he played for us at the start of last season. He has matured loads as a player. In terms of Gobern, though, I agree he looked good too when he came on.
  15. My view was that Harding was defensively solid and in defensive positions generally got the ball under control coolly and got it clear without resorting to the big hoof. He was also adventurous going forward and looked to build attacking plays from the back. However, on a couple of occasions he tried to dribble the ball towards the box but in that situation did not have the right level of ball control to be attempting any such thing and lost the ball. Of course, this may be because of lack of fitness rather than necessarily a lack of ability in such situations. Nevertheless, my gut reaction was that he would be better sticking to defensive duties and building forward plays rather than trying to dribble! With players of the calibre of Lallana, Rasiak, John, Mills and Gobern who all showed the flair to be able to dribble, I would say leave it to them and encourage them to do it more rather than expect it from Harding. Neverthless, I think he could do well for us.
  16. Well, I don't believe that Lita is coming to Saints bearing in mind he has been connected with a number of Premiership and Championship clubs. And I can't see Bent dropping down two divisions, so that pretty much confirms your mate is pulling your leg and Saints are not losing 3-0!! lol
  17. I'm going and looking forward to it big time for three reasons: 1. I am taking my three and a half year old daughter to her first ever football match. She is quite mature for her age and I think she is now starting to get to the age that she will appreciate it. As it is only a pound I thought it would be a good chance to see how she handles it. 2. I have only been to a match at St Mary's twice before as I live up north so, as I am down visiting my parents on holiday, I thought it was too good a chance to miss. 3. I am keen to support Saints in the new era and to see how things are beginning to take shape in the early days of AP's managerial reign. Anyone know if there will be a family centre area for this match and if it is open to anyone with kids or only members?
  18. For those that want to criticise the young players and get rid of them on the assumption that they are the finished product and therefore not good enough, please remember that these are youngsters and they are still finding their feet in professional football. If they are not good enough in a particular game we should not just make a blanket assumption that they are therefore not going to be good enough in any game ever. I would suggest there are 3 things to be considered here: 1. They are youngsters and they will get better. I was at Sheffield Wednesday a couple of years ago when Theo Walcott was brought on as sub. Everyone was desperate to see this wonder-kid... and you know what? He was rubbish! His crosses were poor, he was forever getting caught in possession and his shooting was weak. His only plus point was that he had pace in abundance. Yet, we all knew that this was a player with massive potential (which he has finally in the past year begun to live up to with Arsenal and England). 2. Their confidence is very low after the failures of last season. Many of them need to be reminded of their potential and to begin again to build upon that. 3. The big problem for some of these players is not that they don't have potential. The problem is that they are being weighed down by unrealistic expectations. They have been asked to play regular matches at a level for which some were clearly not ready. We need to introduce these players sensitively and wisely. Some will mature quickly and soon reach the standard to be a first team player. Others may need experience at a lower level first. Still others will need to be used sparingly as substitutes to gain experience and confidence in the first team. Still others may never reach their potential and finally a few may only reach their potential by moving to another club. So, let's trust the new management to make the right decisions that will further the development of these players. And let us as fans play our part by getting behind these youngsters when they play and applauding everything they do right, whilst being prepared to forgive the inevitable errors that come from taking a risk on the development of young players.
  19. I definitely hope to be at the Hartlepool game... but then it will be the nearest Saints fixture of the season for me as I live just outside Darlington!! In terms of what Hartlepool is like, I have never actually been there. I believe it is a hole in parts but then again there is the historic quayside, which is supposed to be quite nice. In that sense it's like an upmarket P*rtsm*uth!!! You might like to bear in mind that Darlington and Hartlepool are sworn enemies (a bit like Saints and P*mpey) so there would be a fairly warm welcome in Darlo if you were to stop off here. In terms of flights, it is quite difficult flying to Durham-Tees airport (which is actually in Darlington!) You can only get flights from there to Aberdeen, so you would have to fly up to Aberdeen then back down from there! Newcastle is a bit further but at least you should be able to get a direct flight. The nearest places to Hartlepool with a major nightlife are not Newcastle and Durham as someone seemed to suggest. Middlesborough is much closer, as is Stockton; or there's Sunderland if you're into Chav music! Yarm is also fairly popular despite being only a small town (though personally I don't see it's appeal, but each to their own!). There's quite a few places in the town and then there's Tall Trees (http://www.talltrees.co.uk), which has regular events (see for example: http://www.skiddle.com/whats-on/Yarm/Tall-Trees). Some of the Middlesbrough players have been known to hang out there, though if they are going out for a quiet meal out they are more likely to be found at Judges, which is also nearby (http://www.judgeshotel.co.uk).
  20. I've just posted a message (http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=14706&page=8#388) thinking I was posting it on this thread so apologies for posting it twice...(well except that I accidentally typed Beckham instead of Joe Cole for some reason in my original posting!! lol)...
  21. There is one name that I am suprised has not been mentioned in relation to the Saints job... ..and that's Joe Jordan! I know Skate haters won't like the idea, but consider the facts: Harry Redknapp has been pretty rubbish as a manager in a number of jobs - especially with Saints, but also when he was West ham manager (he had one of the most talented young squads in the country with Beckham, Ferdinand, Carrick, Lampard, etc. and yet they were struggling against relegation until he left). However, when he left us to go back to P*mpey, he suddenly became in the eyes of the media one of the greatest English managers around. So, why? Was it due to Tony Adams? Many people thought that his influence must have been significant, until he was given the chance to show what he could do as a Premier League manager and flopped hopelessly. That points to just one person - the brains behind Redknapp's more recent success has IMO been none other than Joe Jordan. And of course, Joe played for Saints for a few seasons. So, how about it? Joe Jordan for manager anyone?
  22. You might be interested to know that there is a fans group called 'Northern Saints'. There are a few members on here (including NorthYorkSaint if he is who I think he is!) The group used to have a website but that is no longer there. However, group discussions are made using Yahoo groups. It's a useful place to identify other Saints from the north who are attending matches, etc. Here's a link to the group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Nsaints
  23. Surely 'Lieb' doesn't mean good (in German good is 'gut'). I would suggest 'Lieb' means 'Love' or 'Lovely' or 'Dear'. Therefore, the translation of Liebherr is 'Dear-man'. In terms of pronunciation, as many have said it is 'Leeb-hair' or if said quickly 'Leebair' or even just 'Leeber'.
  24. Exactly!! Lallana has only had one full season in the first team squad - usually it takes a couple to make that step up. We have already seen the potential to a much higher degree than is usual for a player of his inexpereince. Let's remember what has happened with Nathan Dyer - he too had the potential and he has now gone on to begin to demonstrate that at Swansea. Let's also remember what Walcott was like in some matches - I remember seeing him in a couple of matches and thinking how unready he was for first team football at times! Lallana is the next in that production line. I, for one, hope that he stays and helps us to push for promotion despite the 10 point penalty.
  25. So what would be our team next season? Davis, Murty, Mills, Perry, Thomas, Schneiderlin, Wotton, Lallana, Holmes, Rasiak and John. Subs: Lancashire, Saga or Thompson, James, Gillett, Bialkowski Or do we get two more subs this season? >>> 2 from Gobern, Thomson, Molyneux, Pulis, White, McLaggan or Saga/Thompson Saga/Thompson decision depends on whether we sign him and if he is any good!! Not that I expect us to keep all 3 of John, Saga and Rasiak, but if we do keep all of these players we wouldn't have a bad chance of catching up the 10 points quickly and making a good challenge! COYR!
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