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Saint Troy

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Everything posted by Saint Troy

  1. sadly not being very good isn't the bench mark for not offering us something in some positions right now! Its more than reasonable to ask if we want to block tellas "pathway" for someone like Theo but i honestly think Theo would offer us more coming on than tella does for example
  2. My feeling with walcott was he needed to play down the middle. Opened up both sides for him meaning more options. I htink Wenger planned for him to be the next Henry so started him wide with a view to brining him omore centrl as he progressed. Big mistake i think and huge waste of a talent. One more year at saints couldve done him so much good in that regard perhaps as people saw him in more 1v1 situation rather than as a winger. Who knows though i suppose
  3. nah - balls in play. same as direct free kicks etc. In some respects why shouldnt you favour the team thats been fouled in the box and denied the opportunity to score. In other respects it doesnt even really favour the attackers, there's as many of them as defenders on the pitch. That said if it happens against us ill be all for it 😄
  4. i agree with this, stephens doesnt deal with martial and i can see why walker-peters gets sucked in - if martial turns on to his left to hit it is a great block - as it was he got caught out - not a terrible error on his part i think as was responding to the immediate danger i think.
  5. are we genuinely fitter than other teams long term or is the way lock down fitness has been carried out that giving us a current edge we'll lose. For sure we have some good fitness and are playing with confidence and good purpose without the ball but is it a bit of a false dawn once there's a pre-season and everyone else cares as much? (wow thats a miserable post after a great result and run haha)
  6. i know what you mean - there must be something there - think i just feel he has something from what ive seen, and sounds like the recent reports show hes doiing well - albeit in championship - i think im just hoping he stays and proves his worth
  7. "Reed joins Fulham on a season-long loan deal, which could be made permanent at a later date." Is that definitely an option to buy?
  8. Why has slatted your been treated so differently this year to last. Seen rumours of attitude issues do we know if that’s true?
  9. Absolutely! Their best threat and game winner gets picked up by jwp who we hope plays like he did against zaha. Shame he’s not in the centre but right call I think
  10. haha im pretty sure that when we were 2-1 up if we didnt concede a second goal we really wouldve won! Even for saints losing when the final score is 2-1 is pretty hard
  11. saints to score first though a pumped up ings and lose 3-1 in a not that heart breaking but rather annoying manner i reckon. im just enjoying the fact that i happy to predict we wlil score first and compete in a game against a team on the run they are.
  12. good move that - needs some football - hope he gets it
  13. ok so the 5m includes wage cover and a fee possibly and a few other bits on top of the fee. If we remove 1.5m for wages and 1m for some fees (god knows what) they are paying us a loan fee of 2.5m. basically do you want... Soares - part of a settled back four and been good been average/poor at points but deffo playing pretty well of late, generally not great crossing and poor at back stick defending , deffo off in the summer or KWP- reasonably well thought of but not sure how good (aka somewhere between bertrand and martina), could stick around after the summer if it works out + £2.5m Im happy enough with either really. Probably wouldve chose the former but only just. If KWP is well liked by the current management and they think he could sign in the summer if hes played with us for then they could see this easily as a good deal. I dont think it quite fits as being able to push the penny pinching model on some levels but 2.5m doesnt get you alotthese days. I suppose if its the 2.5m that means we can allow Fraser to go at a cut price fee etc then it could be part of a bigger picture. who knows. Doesnt completely scream of investment from the top i will agree that though! This doesnt take in to consideration any need to strengthen at full back etc just the plain choice of the two.
  14. hes one injury away from playing all the remaining games of the season. in relaity will play a bit. Itd be nice to rebuild but 15m to find a replacement may not be great. Maybe best to keep in in the Yoshida 3rd CB role wile the likes of danso progress (if we rate him)
  15. great hit, good run by obafemi too. deserve the goal and prob deserve for it to be the equaliser given the defending!! fingers crossed
  16. I guess the issue is creating a rule that suits var and non var games. This could cause the same problems the other way round almost in games without var due to the leaving you talk about. Agree something along those lines has to be done but not sure what’s best.
  17. It’s definitely the first in this case!
  18. Phew! I was worried you came on here to see someone saying something silly and lighthearted on a Friday avo so you could go weirdly mad about it
  19. i come on here to read people moaning at each other about previous transfer windows and why its not ok to talk about that etc and you just have to clog up the thread with actual rumours - i despair
  20. that said - it would be quite dull and id much prefer a brazilian id never heard of that scores 50 a season on champ man
  21. the reality is that with our self sustainability situation we should probably be cheering outs as much as ins on players we dont want! its probably harder for a prem club to permanently get rid of a player they no longer want than it is to bring one in!
  22. i think the issue at full back is cover - at cb we have some average players who improve with settled side and game time - if one is injured in comes maya and the same happens. If bertrand or cedric is injured its a big problem. Something is up with valery and it means one injury in these areas would destabilise us much more than at cb. Youre not wrong that we need better cbs but i dont think its as likely to bugger our season as an injury at cb is (ps yes i have seen vestergard play haha so i only just managed to type the above)
  23. think its a nice enough article with a slightly silly headline. he says their success was a factor in him choosing to come to saints and why wouldnt it be. seems to undertand he has some growing up and learning to do and is trying to do it. Fair play to him. He has some good attributes and with some hard work you never know how far he'll go. Wont be bale im sure but hes still young has a good chance. fingers crossed for him
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