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Saint Troy

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Everything posted by Saint Troy

  1. I think mings efforts in the friendlys possibly sealed his and JWPs fate unfortunately. Obviously he should be going, in a tournament you want options like him but sadly it’s come down to would you rather have JWP as a back up CM or Tyrone Mings at the heart of your defence and there’s probably only one answer there
  2. Anyone who doesn’t start’s best attribute is negated by not playing - not just JWP surely?!
  3. Clearly hit Toby’s hand in build up = no goal. Spurs foot on the 18 Utd line as pen is taken = no goal. If var is to be used for margins it should be used properly
  4. Can’t they play it on the loudspeaker every time he gets the ball like they do the cheering?
  5. have to say this is the annoying thing. If VAR gave those pens then people would be more keen to stay on their feet. Unless im wrong and theres some little touch on the ball before foden then really that decision is all thats wrong with football
  6. looks like a nailed on pen that 😄 I love VAR
  7. yes he makes the most of it but thats the case with every single pen these days - its a pen by current standards - 50% of pens are bought and thats no different. When you see it from behind the defender is still moving towards the leg and its a pen - we should have the same standards as everyone else
  8. I mentioned this in the match thread at the time but seeing it on motd I’m still convinced ings is onside for the disallowed goal. Rules silly of course but we saw it with the mings chest down too. If the player deliberately plays the ball (and not a goal line type save which I don’t think it is) then ings is back onside. Am I losing my tiny mind??
  9. If the defender plays that deliberately ings is not offside right? That was the crazy rule the other day surely?
  10. im not sure what part of the above is open to interpretation though unless interpretation means ignoring. There's no subtle way of twisting the above to make it fit what happened given the explanation that i can see
  11. mad! so the law is actually quite sensible but the refs dont know them!
  12. Or thinks they can do an adequate job and that guaranteed game time for volume is more valuable. If Bertrand stays for he could play nearly every game of the season and vokins none. I know our method is apparently away from loans but it makes sense to me
  13. I guess that if the release clause is nonsense the positives of a new contract for Danny are higher wages for a longer period of time (seems pretty good). The negative is that its harder to move on in the next 18 months. Whilst i believe largely whats being said do we honestly believe that "being interested only in scoring goals and playing" stops you signing a contract if you are only looking at the positives? Im not in his headspace (working in a weird corona bubble, working on fitness etc) so i cant be sure. Complex though too as i will never be in a situation where im happy at work and offered more money but have to stay for longer as most peoples contract simply dont work like that. Maybe ive convinced myself its more complex than id like to think haha
  14. Oh yeah - if he steps on the pitch im gonna be like booooooooooo and sing (to the tune of Waterloo (ABBA) "Salisu - Couldnt play if he wanted to Salisu - ill demand a reasonable explanation which would also help dampen all the negative talk... for ever mooooore"
  15. i guess if he sings a 4 year deal with us hes done - thats his career done - not a problem but it sort of signals the route to the end. He will have an idea of where he could move now on a free - reality is his best club is either second fiddle (which he prob wont want) or spurs if Kane leaves. Basically hes in the best place for him at the moment so wants to sign and tie his future down. But - if he has a scorching 12 months from now then who knows what opportunities may come up to win trophys as a starter and i can understand not wanting to writ that off now
  16. agree about the handball - deffo early season pen - but correctly not now i think there was a dive - theres contact, theres even a shout for a pen but on the way down he throws himself in an exaggerated way - to me that's a dive - i cant see why in similar situations a ref cant give a pen and a yellow card to the attacker for diving - MOTD analysts couldn't handle that though! Thought overall the ref was fair - never gonna get everything right (Stephens choke hold etc) but not a game the ref should even be mentioned by the managers/media really and very annoying that its even a subject
  17. 😂 exactly this! Was assuming I could keep only half an eye on the game from about 20 mins but bloody in it now
  18. Mate of mine who’s a reading fan rates him highly. Thinks he will be playing prem footy next year regardless of readings progress. From what I’ve heard / seen (albeit match highlights) I’d be keen as sounds like he finds pockets of space well, can dribble and pick a decent pass which sounds good. Rumours of £8m release clause apparently but could be bollox. If that’s true I’d snap him up
  19. Potential champions win that 1-0 after being given the penalty
  20. I think the scheduling of matches has changed a bit though since then. We have european matches and then this for TV spread of matches rather than a block on sat. It means teams are more likely to play earlier in the day/weekend. Dont get me wrong, couldnt be more against the 5 sub whining nonsense - especially those that wanted to push their own agenda fully recently but it I do think that game timing could be looked at a little when teams are playing midweek.
  21. but not hindering anybody either?
  22. Youre right about the no heroes - just reading those names gives me some great memories to be fair. I think its just having had a run of table finishes well in to the teens from when i was about 8-18 that probably affirmed how my relationship with the club would unfold!
  23. I guess its a bit of a Stockholm Syndrome - my growing up was mainly relegation battles and successful ones so actually theres the joy at the end. Probably brings forward more cult heros than true heros of winning the league but actually thats better value than the no heroes of mid-table. Look at the recent thread about Ings v Lambert. Nearly all admit that Ings is showing as a better player but with Lambert its about the story. Where the story in mid-table? Miod-tbale with so young talent coming through is nice too to be fair. Relegation battles are dreadful youre right but some bonus' and i certainly get the love of it.
  24. so in summary Turkish is on loan from the UI and miserableold git cant be now because we're only allowed one loan?
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