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Everything posted by MarkSFC

  1. Hes been brilliant for us so would be a shame to lose him this year a Stoughton he'd be perfect as a bit of mentor for Lavia, but who can refuse him this move back to his home country if he wants it.
  2. I dont see it so much as loss of form more that he raises his game for very short periods and returns to his "norm" the longer he plays. I think the opponent (although I get what you're saying) doesn't make much of a difference. Either was, not good enough for us but a proper professional footballer.
  3. On his best form I think Stephens is decent. At his worst makes too many mistakes. Unfortunately he's far more the latter than the former. He seem only to maintain his best form for a very small number of games in succession, which ultimately is the reason some players are highly coveted; because they can maintain high standards for tens of games rather than just 3 or 4. I hope he goes to Watford or wherever and does well.
  4. Is he still here?
  5. I agree. Not a bad signing, just not good enough for me now. He might be a good squad player to have (more like the role Long played towards the end) but I would of thought of all those players we'd be happy to shift he be up there in terms of best fee.
  6. Either imminent?
  7. You could argue that because of this upcoming run it's the best time to make the change of manager as we don't expect many or any points anyway.
  8. I don't see how he can stay once these type of stories come out, however true, and on the back of the run we are on there is just too much division in the fanbase. It felt like something wasn't right with him last night. I suspect he senses time is coming to the end. I hope that's the case now.
  9. πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹Che...good luck.
  10. When Semmens said we should be celebrating 10 years in tbe PL it was a sad thing for our CEO to say. Weak mindset. A pragmatist is not a bad thing for a CEO but in sporting organisations when dealing with the public that kind of me tality is poor and ill-judged. Sports fans live on hope (well the vast majority do). That type of mindset at the top will eventually flow down the entire club. Contrast with Corteses (at least public) mindset. A balance of the two is probably best. Hes not the leader I thought he was.
  11. Semmens mentioned that the PL is officially the toughest sporting league to be in. This by nature of football being all about the money at every level, it makes me compare the PL to something like F1. What I mean by that is that the team owners need to be extremely rich / have huge sponsorship in order to even consider competing. The PL is now more expensive than ever for owners and is not looking like slowing down anytime soon, so our owners need to put up to make sure we stay up (and not continually or only rely on "over performing" and "players developing") by rasing the standard of the team NOW to allow the manager and coaches a bit of breathing space. Without more investment and possibly a slight change of model we are only going one way; down. The pace of improvement in our players and therfore the collective of the team needs to stay ahead of level of quality our opponents are purchasing. More and more clubs are spending more on players and slowly but surely the overall quality is getting deeper in numbers. Thus us the curve we need to stay ahead of. What we have done so far this summer is not keeping us ahead of the curve.
  12. Listening to the forum was interesting and probably some of the best questions we've heard at these things. I am still of the opinion the Ralph should move on but I cannot question his dedication and passion for our club. I am hopeful but less convinced than I was before this forum that we will get players good enough despite the fact they alluded to "still being in the market". There seemed to be a strange tension at least to start with between Ralph and Martin and Ralph looked quite uncomfortable for much of it. Confidence lowered.
  13. Buying Watkins for 30m would be justified. Selling Adams for 15m would not be justified.
  14. I'd definitely take Watkins...
  15. Not yet I think.
  16. I wonder if we are still trying for Delap. I see Maduake hasn't played last two games for PSV, injured? or on the move?
  17. Why are people saying we have 7 CBs? Valery isn't one. Simeu isn't first team quality. Stephens isn't PL quality. Bednarek isn't PL quality. Lyanco isn't PL quality. Salisu is on his best form PL quality. On his worst no. ABK....we wait to see. We need a minimum of one CB better than all of them.
  18. But that's almost the whole point. He sticks when he should twist and twists when he should stick so to speak. He gets it wrong, far more than he gets it right.
  19. Probably been covered buy I hope these sort of questions are asked. 1) To Ralph... Why do you continue to play square pegs in round holes? why do you continually "experiment" with formations and selections? When are you going to do the honourable thing and resign? 2) To The Club When are we going to sign a decent striker? When are we going to sign a 2nd decent striker? When are we going to sign a decent CB When are we going to sign a decent No.10. When are you going to replace Ralph? To the Owner(s) 1) when are we going to sell or give away the shit holding us back?
  20. Similar to how they'll be accounted for... Payments actually made Installments definitely due Potential liabilities. It ain't difficult to comprehend.
  21. Maybe there's a personal reason he might want to go back north?
  22. MarkSFC

    Che Adams

    You always have to give them the while window before judging fully. But moat summer windows alway tend to go like this, this massive deals for the top players happen early or right at the end; the young market happens early and then all tbe players in demand from a wider range of club will take longer to happen because players have more options and clubs can create more negotiation. I dont like that the window closes after the season start (it's worse for lesser clubs like us)but it is what it is. Regardless of who we still get in, hopefully an established CB, Striker and a winger type, Ralph has to go. But until September 1st we can't really judge SR fairly, even if we have lost every game to that point.
  23. MarkSFC

    Che Adams

    I hope so. Enough is enough. He's lost the plot.
  24. MarkSFC

    Che Adams

    Well....we need 2 strikers make that 3 then...or at least 2 plus a winger type. Is RH attempting the well used Pep method of no strikers...🀦🀦🀦
  25. Hes not good at getting rid of rubbish...
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