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  1. I got Jack Stork, and Adam Lallany
  2. anything with the word "CHEAT" - it gets to them more than anything else your cheats and you know you are ............. same old pompey always cheating.............
  3. pompeys goin down with no money in the bank, money in the bank, money in the bank
  4. I didnt claim it was SAFE, I claimed it was SAFER and clearly doesnt apply at all junctions, and yes it is still illegal to go through a red light. But I assume its still illegal to break the speed limit in a car? I take it you'd never do that......
  5. Speaking as a driver for 20 years (10 years commercially) and a part time cyclist for the last 5 years, I have to be honest and tell you that cyclists really do get a raw deal on the roads, however there are bad cyclists as well as bad drivers. My twice a day 7 mile trip across the city usually means at least 4 or 5 dangerous encounters with cars. The thing that seems to really annoy car drivers is the "jumping red lights" issue. What advantage do you think a cyclist gains from going through a red light? Realistically, they are not really going to get to their destination any quicker, and certainly not quicker than the driver who will pass them further up the road when it is much safer to do so. The reason cyclists go through red lights is because it is simply SAFER to get yourself away before all the other traffic starts moving. Imagine cycling down Bitterne Road towards the City Centre and wanting to turn right into bullar Road. Do you think cyclists look for a gap on a dual carriage way with cars doing 50mph+ to then pull out into the outside lane ? It would not only hold the traffic up but would also tempt drivers into performing dangerous undertaking. So what would you do?? Have a think about a cyclists alternitives next time you see one...
  6. spot on - look at the trouble leeds utd had getting promotion. It's most teams cup final when they play Saints that not the case for Brighton or Bournemouth.
  7. look what i found http://cgi.ebay.ie/Old-invoice-E-Mayes-Son-General-Drapers-Southampton-/280597108411 correction on my perevios post - my mum did work in Mayes and remembers it being sold to Owen Owen in approx 1969/70.
  8. I have confirmed with my 88 year old grandmother who would have been 18 years old the night MAYES (confirmed spelling) was bombed, she tells me it was a department store for posh people! After it was destroyed she remembers it being relocated to bedford place. It is true there are medieval vaults running under the city around that area and lots of them, my great uncle was buried in one near Telecom House when that part of the city was destroyed in 1940 (he survived). You should do the free city tour - you get to see the old medieval vaults they are fascinating, you can see the blast walls built during the war. look here http://www.visit-southampton.co.uk/site/whats-on-in-southampton/heritage-walks-of-old-southampton-p2331 Finally im my living memory it was Owen Owen (my mum worked there) and at the end was Huckleberries, Wimpey the BK.
  9. Maybe it was because he refused to field a weakened team for the JPT???
  10. I would either use "We use phrases like "the money will be in the players accounts next week" and "there will be a takeover tommorow". We use them as a club trying to hide something. or "We use words like fish, pikey, bad smell" etc!
  11. dont envy Pardew job, theres the little matter of the JPT area final 4 days before
  12. I saw fans smash up public address speakers, microphones and photographic equipment. Unforgivable in my opinion and worth several thousand pounds at least.
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