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geoffd's Achievements

  1. All OK here
  2. Brian O Neil deserves a place for his neck high sliding tackles alone. Other hard b*st*rds John McGrath, Jim Steele, Dennis Hollywood, Jimmy Gabriel (the only player I saw sent off while in a stretcher, Peter Osgood and Docker. Maybe not the most skillful of players but good fun to watch.
  3. Good Evening, I am not in the habit of posting, but I am a fan of over 40 years ( 1st game Saints 9 Wolves 3) I would like to say that I looked at this tie with some trepedation fearing an embarrassing score on national TV. I am very proud having watched the game that despite the result we can all walk away with our heads held high and confident of our future. Well done to all at SFC and all the supporters.
  4. Nicky Butt?
  5. I work with an ardent Swansea fan and he assures me that Trundle is now total cr@p.
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