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latter day saint

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Everything posted by latter day saint

  1. attention seekers false laughter when your reading a book,people ask you whats it about & try to have a conversation about the f&cking book you were trying to f&cking read! if people find out i dont like Marmite they then make a song & dance of eating it in front of me-would you like me to eat some tramps ass puss in front of you? ignorant women driving massive 4x4s who drive in the middle of the road women acting like blokes
  2. well i'm glad you did
  3. thanks.i'm used to him spouting rubbish when it comes to his beloved football club,it must be in the DNA
  4. who was the Irish bloke with the mullet ? remember Bomber from Auf Weidersen Pet in a few bouts
  5. somebody has posted this before ? lovely bit of music.i haven't a clue what its about but its simply hypnotic
  6. may have to use that when i ask the pet skate at work on monday how his trip to Brentford went
  7. showing your age there (same experience for me sat with my Grandad)
  8. Jesus someone take control of the free kicks!
  9. wtf was that pile of crap Gaston ?
  10. get in ya bastards ! Gaston you beauty
  11. argh thst was close from Ricky!
  12. do one Nolan you mouthy scouse tw#t
  13. how easy did Vas Te get round Fox there !
  14. harsh booking seeing its wet surface
  15. dont take much for them to go to ground does it
  16. silly boy Morgan !
  17. Coys ! need this win after sh!te week
  18. Universally Challenged
  19. agree with the first two points but am i allowed a little chuckle if i slap myself on the wrist after ?
  20. i've got Sunnyhillboy in the works sweepstake but got no idea about racing. wanted Saints Are but he was pulled out of the bag by the pet skate !
  21. get in ya bastard ! Lallana
  22. Great OWTS! like a home match
  23. that was fecking close! good work from Jay again
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