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latter day saint

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Everything posted by latter day saint

  1. and to everyone else in the country except Hodgson
  2. have you ever seen someone that has been stabbed ? in real life i mean not in a computer game,on CSI wotever or in some sh*te horror film ? i have 3 times( one of the times i was the victim) and there was no blood spraying about like some cheap slasher flick. i was stabbed in the shoulder in a fight & it went unnoticed as i was wearing a black sweater which didnt show the surprissingly small amount of blood that escaped from the wound. at the same time my mate had been stabbed four times with a carving knife and the bastard who did it wasnt covered in blood like Carrie.
  3. he only did it to get back at KD as he said Apple are sh*te
  4. planting a seed of doubt can work just as well
  5. if you've got any jellies left,pass them on
  6. how do you convey knowing irony ,as the facial expression that came to mind could be confused with trapped wind ?
  7. Signed. all the best with your efforts
  8. maybe go back to see the Doors at the Whiskey a go go i went but honestly don't remember to much about it
  9. exclusive 1st pic of the proposed developement next to fratton
  10. thanks, can see me wasting plenty of time on that site here is my 1st go http://www.geoguessr.com?v=eyJ0b3RhbFBvaW50cyI6MTUwNjEsInZlcnNpb24iOjEsInJvdW5kcyI6W1sicm91bmQiLCJsYXQiLCJsbmciLCJnTGF0IiwiZ0xuZyIsInBvaW50cyJdLFsxLDYzLjg0NTg2NSw4LjQ1MzU4Nzk5OTk5OTk2OCw2NC40NzI3OTM4MjAwODE2NiwtMT****c4MTI1LDIxMDRdLFsyLDQwLjYwNzU4OCwxNDAuNDY0MTE5OTk5OTk5OTgsMzYuMDMxMzMxNzc2MzMxODcsMTM5LjkyMTg3NSwyNDI5XSxbMywyNy4wOTU1MzgsMTQyLjE5NjY0NSwzMy4xMzc1NTExOTIzNDYxNCwxMzIuMzYzMjgxMjUsMjEzMF0sWzQsNTMuODc1NDg1LDI3LjYyOTM5MDk5OTk5OTk0LDYwLjIzOTgxMTE2OTk5ODkyLDQ4LjUxNTYyNSwyMDYwXSxbNSwtMzIuODA4MjEyLDE3Ljg5MDc3OTk5OTk5OTk1LC0zMi44MjE5MDMwMTU0MTI2OCwxNy44ODI5OTU2MDU0Njg3NSw2MzM4XV19
  11. i heard a rumour that Dave Whelan, the Wigan chairman used to be a footballer & received a bad injury while playing in the Cup final ?
  12. always some non drama to be over egged by people looking to point score on here.
  13. why does everyone then steam in & point out when he is as its always the same outcome, a thread totally derailed as the usual posters bicker over f*ck all surely better to laugh than get p1ssed off ?
  14. fecking hell, you lot must be either bored sh!tless at work or on the dole nice comments from AVB. seems a nice fella,bit to gingery but the missus says he has a sexy voice!
  15. what a tard.such a useless specimen is idealy suited to dispense cr*p/propaganda to the inbred inhabitants of portsmouth
  16. ta ta then if thats what you think. leave the supporting to those a with a f*cking back bone
  17. helped generate a great atmosphere i thought. put us to f*cking shame at least,with loads sat there meekly as usual.
  18. the fact they have fallen so far gives us even more reason to brag imo. as i mentioned WBA,do you think they will give up singing about Wolves next season ?
  19. like that a lot.wish i'd been there too sing it why is it people have a problem with us singing songs about the skates ? all other clubs sing about their rivals, look at WBA last week singing about Wolves.
  20. easy fella,your make CB Fry jealous
  21. can't believe no ones said a time machine rather it wasn't a blue police box though
  22. see i told you Shaw was ok sure i read on twitter that the press conference has been moved to tomorrow morning ?
  23. up to you if you believe it but i was told by a work mate that his son had a game of Fifa aginst Luke Shaw last night & he said he was back training & should be ok to play saturday
  24. this is what i asked the 2 skates at work & both said they hoped the club would refuse all offers as they want the club to stay in the fans hands! i would of asked how exactly is the club in their hands now but i was laughing to much
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