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latter day saint

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Everything posted by latter day saint

  1. same here
  2. that's what i thought. do they charge fatty's for their guts,as it's the same thing ( waits for Turkish to steam in )
  3. Endangered
  4. ^^^^ 1's or 2's ?
  5. how the hell did he manage that ? was it the adrenaline pumping so much he managed to keep going ?
  6. you should film her & set up a website. loads of pervs would pay to watch that filth
  7. wtf was that about ?
  8. i see what you did there
  9. Nick Dempsey just got a silver medal in Windsurfing down at Weymouth
  10. excellent performance from the 3 British tri-athletes to secure the gold & bronze great to see all those people lining the route to cheer them on
  11. get in there !
  12. lads who wear them should be beaten with baseball bats ! fecking hate them!
  13. even better if bits of pie & beer i have dribbled out of my mouth have matted in it.
  14. BBC coverage is excellent. find the BBC Olympic App on my phone really useful as well
  15. gut on way down, arse on the way back. it's nearly as enjoyable as when we score & i strip off my top to rub my sweaty man boobs on the grateful fans around me
  16. oi,i'm no northern monkey ! if i don't keep up my intake of pies how can i insure my belly is big enough to rub across people's faces as i shuffle past at half time ?
  17. they always seem in a panic, as if they've never done it before and run out of stuff which a manager has to run off to get. why not stock up beforehand numbnuts!
  18. good clear round there ! can't believe i'm getting into this as i hate horse riding normally
  19. i like a nice pie though ?
  20. Claire Balding had erect nipples earlier at the show jumping. for a fraction of a second, i had sexual thoughts about her
  21. like a hairy mantrap
  22. i may be wrong but i think he was cheering on the American who got the silver, Galen Rupp
  23. looking good for more medals then in the next few days. funny how things change,as i was not that fussed about watching the Olympics at 1st but can't get enough of it now! Glory hunter ?
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