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latter day saint

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Everything posted by latter day saint

  1. god ! how didnt he score there ?
  2. get in there sir ricky
  3. crap! poor ball from cork there lead to that
  4. lol thank feck he fellover there
  5. Clyne was to weak there
  6. Tiote looks like Tina Turner in Mad Max 3 with that barnet
  7. get in you bastard !
  8. sod it , may as well use the lot while i can
  9. like that one, mostly due to Jack Dee
  10. kept seeing it mentioned on twitter but those are the 1st i've watched
  11. is that the bloke with long greasy hair, usually in a denim jacket ? if so, 1 time he brought a female companion with him who was also paraletic when they turned up 10 mins after the game started. as she wobbled up level to my seat she fell on her ar$e,releasing a rancid smell of sh!t from her obviously soiled kegs. was disgusting & made worse by her squelching about as she struggled to get up.
  12. that the majority of threads that start of well & are interesting to read will end up in petty arguements between a handfull of posters
  13. thats more than enough to out bestest anyone, even the 700 odd we took up there
  14. great read as ever, thanks. "Swampguts!"
  15. sounds good to me
  16. ^^^ isn't that called Kettling? could argue thats a breach of their human rights if only they were'nt a sub-species SHALALALALA WTFILN!
  17. that was fecking amazing! so proud of the whole team right now,i'm buzzing like f*ck ! the missus is gonna get one hell of a seeing too later! ( if i'm not p!ssed & passed out)
  18. "pillow,i want my pillow"
  19. the Clown at the crazy golf course cracks me up for some reason
  20. Happy Gilmore. Adam Sandler annoys me & i've seen it loads of times but i still crack up watching it Dune Stir Crazy
  21. think someone mentioned it a couple of weeks ago on here as rings a bell ? sure i also read that he was having to learn Latvian as he mainly speaks russian ?
  22. is there any chance i'll get to use this soon as its getting near its best before date
  23. blimey! it's like some higher force is at play to keep this thread rumbling on i can just imagine the collective look of bewilderment on most skates faces now as they try to digest todays twists & turns. #WTFILN!
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