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  1. says who ?
  2. ahh Mr Gullible falls for it as expected.
  3. Well Cortese has upset so many people in such a short amount of time its not surprising that people are sticking it to him. I dare say most of the sheep on here will lap up every crafted PR word from him just like they did with LOwe.
  4. Sorry i meant what cortese said and not you !
  5. Cortese also said there was no truth in pardew getting the sack despite everyone in southampton knowing that it was fact ! the bloke lies through his teeth constatly so i will take norms post with a massive pinch of salt.
  6. When have the liebherr family actually said anything ? I think people are getting confused with statements from the clubs pr which is not the liebherrs !
  7. Well the problem is that wasnt a liebherr family statement as they have not said one word on the subject. All comments to date have come from the clubs own pr.
  8. I dont think so as all the evidence as to why Cortese is on the rack is clear as day. Just go and ask any ex employee of SFC over the last year, there are plenty of them.
  9. Lets face it cortese needs all the good PR possible in his current status.
  10. 8 ?? she was married to someone who worked at the gas works !
  11. Saints got to carlisle via newcastle airport and drove back. I would expect the same for hartlepool unless flights mean they can fly back.
  12. I think you dont get it do you mush.
  13. So why can they not explain exactly whats happened and where they threatened by the clubs pr people with legal action ?
  14. No comments from those that run the forum as to why he was banned i see. They where happy for his comments to be on here for many weeks yet now he has been banned. Why ???
  15. A very poor player akin to the schit anders svensson.
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