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Everything posted by y00x

  1. Tell him he is adopted
  2. Saints Fans Party at Silverspoons: Wembley.wmv Southampton FC Just found this I see what people mean about the music!
  3. Hi Marsdinho you have a pm.
  4. Not in a million years.
  5. Still cheeper then this one. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/JOHNSTONE-PAINT-TROPHY-FINAL-2010-CARLISLE-SOUTHAMPTON_W0QQitemZ230435653632QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Sports_Memorabilia_Football_Programmes_ET?hash=item35a7090800
  6. You could change class to money.
  7. No I jut like the way The News tried to be funny but ends up shooting themselves in the foot.
  8. "James has swapped life in Devon for Southampton, although more for convenience than culture" So why not move to pompey then?
  9. The Station in Bitterne is open form 11am saints tops, tickets or ID showing your address also they're open after the game but only via the beer garden.
  10. Thanks for the offer but I am not selling them just trying to swap.
  11. Swapped Now
  12. My brother-in-law has just got two and was told there is only couple of hundred left!
  13. Hearing adjourned untill 2pm
  14. Matthew: The hearing has started in the High Court.
  15. and calling him a **** is better?
  16. y00x

    Classy lady

    Shirley high street is the same in the summer.
  17. http://www.ipaqrepair.co.uk/psprepair1636.html
  18. SOTONS EAST SIDE Email me at y00x@hush.ai
  19. Il take Resistance 2 if your still selling it? Sorry cant pm
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