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Everything posted by ohwhenthesaints

  1. Why Do You Type Like This?
  2. Audacity. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
  3. It also slows your PC down to a slug's pace. Get rid of it and replace it with free alternatives would be my advice.
  4. Have to stick together as fans to get through this. Time to put everything to one side tomorrow afternoon and raise the roof to send out a message that we will recover from this. Praying for big walk up sales too. 20k is dire.
  5. 20k...that is pathetic. The people who know the true seriousness of our plight should be all over the press to get more people going because I can't see this being enough to keep the club finacially safe. About time all the people who turned up for the United game get off their arses otherwise they will never get the chance to see their beloved superstars again at St Marys.
  6. You can always expect to see some magic when Lallana gets hold of the ball.
  7. It is not televised therefore it won't be streamed. Unlike the Wolves game on Friday.
  8. It might possibly be more effective if you do collections at the turnstiles rather than wandering around in the city centre. Every little helps though so good on you for trying to sort this out.
  9. Thanks for the updates anyway guys.
  10. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4255650.Championship_rivals_hit_out_at_points_deduction_loophole/ Pretty lengthy and interesting read about other clubs' opinions on the points issue. It seems we would not be too popular if we were not deducted points. Oh well.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/s/southampton/7976473.stm It is possible that moves to put the club's parent company, rather than the club itself, into administration will save it from having points docked by the Football League. However, if a significant proportion of the club's debt is wiped out by such a move, it could still be at the discretion of the League whether a penalty is imposed. Hmm.
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