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Everything posted by Burger

  1. Is it Looe golf course where you start on a par 3 in the car park, then move to par 4 with hill in front of the tee so you can see about 50 yards in front of you. Blast the ball over the hill and always lose it! Rest of course was OK from memory.....apart from par 5 where after two good shots there are 2 greens in front of you ....with gorse between them. Make sure you choose the right green (which is actually the left one).
  2. or £500k lighter in Crouch's pocket
  3. maybe you would if you thought actions / unrest would cause you issues..eg abusive letters to FL.
  4. apologies but looking at this from worse case....so if everything is not perfect (and we are dealing with the FL), you would never sign. Has a deal ever been made where both parties believe everything is perfect? Compromise is usually the order of the day. I'm worried by this statement and now question how long do you give it before you walk away?
  5. top post...excellent
  6. I see Liverpool as re-negotiating their debt - isn't this the same "unfair" advantage as writing off debt as part of Admin?
  7. You may be right. Everyone seems to come out with the same lines night after night
  8. maybe that is why we are being docked pints (as stated on another thread)
  9. Thanks for the update. Totally agree that people actually involved should do so without emotion.....but as a Saints supporters without full access and knowledge of what's going on, opinion and emotion is about all I have to contribute. I'll now stay quiet until all is resolved.
  10. We need some common sense all round. FL to announce that technically SFC was not in admin and -10 was wrong and that CVA will not be produced however SFC have found a loop hole that would give them an unfair advantage, so it has been agreed that -10 will remain and no further reduction will apply
  11. still will not answer the question about future deductions. Can Pinnacle make a decision without knowing this (even if they accept -10)?
  12. I'm really concerned that the FL decision is going to be published on their website (Radio Solent say they have been in touch with the FL). Why can't this be discussed behind closed doors with both parties first, unless all avenues have been taken and Pinnacle issued a final ultimatum...ie if you decide X will we continue, if you decide Y we pull out.....or FL make a decision then Pinnacle review and then decide whether to continue or not.
  13. If you were going to buy the football club wouldn't you want the FL to advise on the total deduction before you did the deal?
  14. that is exactly what I'm worried about - the bigger deduction and whether Pinnacle will pull out because of it
  15. Rather FL give their decision to Pinnacle leaving door open for further discussions. FL decision on their website = take it or leave it
  16. Could be we are waiting for FL to decide what point deduction we get for them to give us membership. Could be 0, -10, -15, -25........Question maybe what will Pinnacle accept to sign on the dotted line.
  17. But we don't know that when Stockport come out of Admin they may get a further points reduction to be applied this season. If the FL are meeting on their own (ie not in discussion with Pinnacle) then I assume the outcome will be "we will grant membership to League with X point deduction (and will not increase that)". Pinnacle then have a simple decision - accept or not.
  18. Agree with you, but I still think this is about an additional points deduction from FL and not the -10, which I've assumed that Pinnacle would live with. If FL say today "we believe it is fair to other teams that SFC should start on -25" then Pinnacle walk away. Right to appeal is worthless.
  19. whilst there is still a chance of this suceeding I will live on that hope....but no not confident. Can see an announcement that Pinnacle can not continue due to FL requirements. I would be happier if TL and MLT were meeting the FL....then a compromise could be reached. With FL meeting on their own I worry that it will just be a FL annoucement of their decision and Pinnacle have to accept it or walk.
  20. that is my fear, as posted on Swiss thread
  21. So you don't think the FL will have added another minus 15 for no CVA? My view is the Pinnacle proposal put to the FL was based on no further penalty - if there was, the deal could not be completed. The FL need to decide whether they stick to thier guns (as per with Leeds) and say licence will only be granted to League 1 with a minus 25 start......and effectively kill the Pinnacle bid or make an exception...........
  22. Dear CWD, I have the primary obligation to make life fair for all teams, hence the 25 point penalty for SFC benefitting from Admin. If there is no-one willing to take over the club on these terms then I am truly sorry. Lord Malfunction
  23. Do you think we should swear, spit, etc and then take the 25 point hit?
  24. if so then the next question is do Pinnacle (mystery backer) want to continue with "buy-out" if we start on minus 25 or lower league?
  25. Do we actually know for a fact that the FL position is "drop the appeal"?
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