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Bongo badger

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  1. The PL just want someone else to put them under rather than do it themselves.
  2. Love this very short summary, it says it all
  3. I dont think anyone in the world would think HMRC would sit back without a plan B,C,D,E,F,G, and so on. They are going to stick to Poompy for a very long time. How can they be seen to be watching from a far, what impression would this give out to the world of business. Make money while achieving huge debts ( this happens)including the tax man, and when you have made enough, call for admin and screw the tax man over. They have got the Skate on a choke chain at the mo and they aint going to let go.
  4. As stated many posts ago, the tax guys have the best of the best working for them on this case, and as stated also before they have cards to bring to the table, one of their hands will win this battle and Skate will feel the full wrath.
  5. Come on Tax man, stop teasing us and tell us your thoughts on this mess and your next step, I would think that they have the best in law the Government can find. Come on, end this week with a shocker.
  6. Its not only the skate that have been playing corporate games. I think you will find the courts and VAT man will also have a few cards ready to bring to the table. Buy Buy the few
  7. Dont care who takes them through admin, what i do know is whoever is assigned to do the work will be working for the creditors and nothing else. We have to remember, the suits and rooms at SMS not to long ago had packing boxes in them that were ready to be shipped out. MF did what he could and if ML didnt step in we woul dhave gone to the wall. I fell skate will not have a happy ending and their boxes will in fact be taken outside when adim can not do anything for them and a buyer can not be found. I still think Monday could have an interesting twist
  8. Have to say i agree, he wants his money, he has been turned over by old enimies and to be honest he dont give a cr4p about the skate.
  9. The FA will be accountable for the fit and proper person check system they have in place, they have let people take on that club using filthy lucka for a purpose to settle unpaid grubby debts that stretch back ions, and for debts that maybe best not to question. Totally not for the love of football or a money making investment. Lets face it we all knew Skate is worthless as a tool for making a return on your investment. The new guy has been to55ed off again continuing the family feud and I would imagine not a happy bunny. His interest is not the club but his money. I am sure the FA want this issue sorted ASAP, but as they are one of many shoulder rubbing entities in this soup the best thing they can do at the mo is to be diplomatic and quiet as to not raise any questions relating to the credibility of their fit and proper system.
  10. The TAX man will not make things easy, i think they will continue to make life very hard for them and will have a huge presance and effect on what happens over the next few days. Interesting times
  11. I think most Skate are looking at admin as a god send and a means to the end of all this poop. If they are using us as a role model to what can happen when you go into admin then they are very very wrong as the deal down the road is not a mirror image of what we went through. Bye Bye
  12. How dare you inflict this upon a downs, downs are great folk full of fun and are really happy most the time, and some look cute, you should be ashamed Mr Keith
  13. I have a personall fitness instuctor who is a born and bred skate, i see him 3 times a week in southampton may i add. He makes me laugh when talking about the old days, he says when all the skate navy guys were at sea the gosport and other locals used to go round and service their wives, lol, nothing ever changes, ,aybe this is why they all look the same !
  14. My family went all over the world serving our great nation, gramps was in Africa with Monty. Was a butcher by trade and kept chickens, while out on patrol his jeep got hit by a luck shot and blow up. He was thrown clear and when he looked back all he could see were loads of feathers floating everywhere and his mates skeleton holding the steering wheel. I must say out of all my family members everyone came back from duty in one piece. My Granddads bro, was in Burma, his hat was to big for him, he took a bullet through the top of the hat and his buddies thought he had copped it, it missed his nut by an inch. One other story. I had a ancestor was a powder monkey at the battle of Trafalgar serving under Nelson. He was called George and was 14 years old. He died back in England after the battle due to his injuries by being hit on the head by a cannon ball, lol, Must laugh but if he was anything like my family today he probably didn’t feel it and carried like nothing had happened lol.
  15. A couple of things. Was told this am face to face by someone who doesn’t care about either side but who is in the trade that Havant and waterloovle were asked recently if a ground share was possible if the Pompey found themselves out of favour in the courts. Not sure if this has been said before sorry if it has, I try a read all the posts honest. Not sure who asked the question, but we do know the FA has said it has a duty to keep a club in Pompey , hey even if its in the lower divs. Second thing. Also this am spoke to an avid skates fan and could not believe the dross coming from his mouth about Saturdays game, anyone would think the skate had won the European cup or something.
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