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Down and Out

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  1. Bloody Hell!! Itchen North of old will be full of bloody wig wearing, court jester hats and Barmies!!!! LOL
  2. You may even find with the increase of trouble at Saints games this season that on Ploice advice thet may even shut Block 1 and even 2...to have a wider gap for segregation. That will lose maybe 1,500 tickets!!!
  3. QPR....do us a favour!! No one will be going anywhere
  4. And not forgetting the crumbling terrace and biggest badest riot Police I have ever seen....and that included the women officers too!
  5. Just throwing an idea in, but why not just the Itchen corner and Northam move to The Chapel and then have the whole of one end...now surely 4,000 singing would create a pretty good sound!! And counter 2,000 away fans pretty well. At the end of the day, we are not going to get the Itchen North like it was say 2 years ago...so move on! Nearly every team whether Premiership, CCC or Div 2 has a home end.....we don't!!!!!
  6. I know some woman in London are pretty rough, but having a few bears, is going a bit far!!!!
  7. After this season promising so much and yet true to form being a big let down so far....will get more enjoyment and it's completely free watching the Bournemouth Air Show! And sat on a beach too! lol
  8. Without wishing to be picky and fussy in my old age...she does have an acne problem!!! LOL
  9. Here we go again....MOAN, MOAN, MOAN
  10. 'I smell a Skate' J lol Fancy having ago at this lot, never....they were banging on about being ashamed of the Wymouth trip yesterday and us (I mean them) having a good time and rubbing the good name of SFC in the gutter!! Some live in a life of 'fluffy clouds and everything/one is nice'!! D
  11. All got messy in the end and all that MLT has found out is that he has been duped and made a mug of!! I was involved in the fiasco's at the proposed AFCB buyouts a year ago, when there was all sort of a manner of fantasist (Jackson included) and they were all full of themselves and not actually what they appreared to be i.e. businessmen with serious money and intentions! I knew it would all go 'Pete Tong' when I saw that bloke on TV last Friday and it was a flashback to a year ago, when groups did their press conferences and then fell away as they were found out as frauds an in it for the ego rush! What a feckin mess we are in!
  12. Well put and in a nutshell "We are stuck between a rock and a hardplace"....or basically "Screwed"!! As has been so eloquently put throughout this thread, there are rules in every aspect of bussiness, you have to bend them to get anywhere.....and unfortunatley you have to also expect the unexpected i.e someone is just waiting to sh#ft you or put you in place you don't want to be!! The FL hold all the cards and it's for Pinnacle to try and get the right hand. This deal is no different from any that take place in the commercial world on a daily basis! Sit back and wait for whatever will happen..especially as we have no control or influence on the matter.
  13. Knowing those old crusties...the meeting started at 4pm and they have broken already for the first tee and comfort break!!! LOL You don't honestly expect to hear naything today do you...they will probably have to take legal advice before they make any statement! This will roll on and on....
  14. Don't worry...nothing taken! I agree would rather we keep all our good young players and bring in and keep some experienced players...DMG would benefit from have an out and out big old centre forward to take alot of the workload and leave space for him to do his stuff. He tried to be too precise with those crucially missed pens...but as you say he is yourng and will learn for next time......
  15. As I said...just some idle thoughts nothing serious...and I notice that you do tend to take the high ground on most threads (so lighten up mate) :-) !!! I don't know, what the value would be...even thought Dyer is under valued in the scheme of things at £400,000!! Who knows and after the last 60 odd days.....maybe we should all take a step back and now enjoy the ride!! LOL
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