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  1. Very sad news, he was a fantastic player, the best CF in Europe at that time. I remember hearing a interview with Jack Charlton who said Big Ron was unplayable in the air, just too good
  2. Thanks Glen, great blog really enjoyed reading it this season. Look forward to next seasons!!
  3. Great read as always, thanks for that,
  4. Lymsaint


    Good to see you posting again Morph!!! Does Anthony still go to Saints Matches?
  5. These are good points, its also worth noting that players like Shaw have been with the club since they were 7 years old, that must give them a strong sense of "belonging" and loyalty to the club, some will leave for sure, but others like Adam will stay.
  6. Agree with this, Morgan was also very good today.
  7. [ We ALL agreed with the Puncheon substitution. Yeah he runs around but EVERY time he got near the box the final ball was just not there AND more importantly he didn't look capable of providing it. Guly got in the way more and with arms and legs going in all directions at least he made their defence work to get the ball back off him. Agree with this, Punch played well in the first half but was too slow in passing/crossing in the second,
  8. Dune says this is a great paper and never gets things wrong!!!!
  9. Was it really 3 years ago, one of those "remember where you were when" I was on holiday in France when my son text me with the news. Thanks for everything Markus.
  10. Good post, will not get anywhere on here with the website warriors slating MLG and spoiling a good thread.
  11. Great preseason line up, looking forward to these matches, quite a test for us I think.
  12. Good article, thanks for that. Lets hope they are allinvolved for a while yet.
  13. I was lucky enough to meet you in Switzerland and had the pleasure of thanking you personally for saving our club, wish you could have shared the day.
  14. My Son is waiting with baited breath to fly over from Switzerland for this match, just one ticket anywhere would be a great favour. Please contact brent_strickland@yahoo.co.uk Thanks fellow fans
  15. What evidence do you have for this latest winge, how do you know he is not chasing the players NC wants and why do you think he is involved in the team management?
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