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Saint Bones

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Everything posted by Saint Bones

  1. Could that maybe have been part of any Zaha deal that may or maybe not ongoing ??
  2. So ( with an attempt to be slightly un-bias) who's going to score more goals... Carroll or Lambert ? Really looking forward to seeing how well a few of our players step up.
  3. Happy. Adds a different style of player. 20 odd goals for us already - More to come.
  4. OK - Typical Foreigner comment here... But is there truly a difference between Playing/Living North or South ? Do people think this is a factor in players signing a contract that normally is only 2-3 years long ?
  5. Are other clubs Chairpersons wages known ? Do we really know what his wage comparrison is compared to others seriosuly taking in mind results so far ? Very happy personally.
  6. Like it - There will be one heading down under. Hope Fonte brings thats face out with him every game !
  7. Are they signings or just loans ? Ask any Preston fan what they think of Daddy's hand me downs and they wont be giving you pleasant words. Quite rightly sacked after a dredful season for Preston and suprise suprise the loans were call back pretty much instantly. Then again - Didn't affect us - Just had to listen to my PNE mate whinge for most the season. It was fun letting him know all about it as we passed them up on our way to the CCC
  8. OK - If he does go is this magical 10 Million pound offer still the ammount people would be looking for ? Was this just a media figure or is this the price Saints have on him. I guess until we return to the lofty heights its going to be hard to keep hold of our young talent.
  9. Will we actually need him though. Lambert is a similar type player. Guly may be re-signed ( wether as a forward or what who knows ) Loved him when he was a Saint but not sure if he is a buying just for the sake of it player
  10. I think we will end up second and go up automatically. If however we dont and bow out in the play-offs ( or heaven forbid dont make them ) i think Adkins will be sacked. Surely like Pardew NC has set a target and I cant see NC as a man to take failure lightly. I believe most our players will stay as I think a few of them will be on decent money already - they will only go if a big money transfer comes in with a big money wage to tempt the player away. I cant see the Liebherr group pulling out as they have a 5 year plan - and I daresay they intend to stick it out for 5 years at least. Question for the local guys and girls that go to watch - Could you spend another season watching Divy 1 footy ?
  11. Well I certainly qualify as a Glory Hunter. Sadly never have set foot in Southampton or indeed the UK. ( yet - oh boy will you hear me the day I finally get to go to a game ) Fell in love with the Saints after finally discovering this strange game called football ( or Soccer as we sadly refer to it here in Aus ) Spent many a midnight to 2am session listening to the Saints ( And crying... but lets not go there ) Bought a membership each season for the last few , although a bit strange It's one way I can help the club. Thankfully our football coverage over here has got a million times better of late - sadly it coincided with the Saints plummeting thru the leagues. Many thanks to all the locals who have helped answer my Saints questions through out the years.
  12. Interesting comments from Adkins in regards to Guly's runs. Seems he just needs to get used to the pace of the game and understand the English game a bit better. Well done to him - Here's hoping he goes on to better things ( preferable at the Saints )
  13. Great news - Will add compettion fro the midfield places and has seemibngly perfromed well for us recently. Out of interest what is the pace like in our midfield ( Chappers, Hammond , Spiderman ) ?
  14. Maybe we have got rid of Pulis already - Buggered if I can find him on the team list. Not sure we really need to unload anyone to bring in fresh faces. Granted no point carrying deadwood - but id like to think ( and hope ) we are in a financial situation where we didnt need to sell to bring anyone in. Squad list on the official site - http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/ProfilesDetail/0,,10280,00.html
  15. That's it for me - Although I'd keep Davis in goal.
  16. GO THE GLORY !!!! Perth Glory supporter here. I would like to think Southampton FC would comfortably beat the Glory but then again I would have given Glory a chance against Rochdale Robbie in our local kit
  17. Spalsh some serious cash and get Gus Hiddink in Or we could get Barry Fry and of course a dugout with his name clearly marked on it Sigh... Ok as you can tell I've no idea who the new gaffer will be.
  18. We actually saw it 7 hours earlier ( Adjusted for daylight savings )
  19. I guess it's a similar response to what any of us would say if we were asked about Pardews Sacking. It looks like he is just merely respoding to a question put to him by a reporter.
  20. You ripper. Keep going Saints
  21. By the looks of all reports we have been playing decent football just not putting it on the score board. It wasn't the best of pre-seasons injury wise and well we are only 2 games into the season. No one team in any league has an automatic right to be champions.. it's earnt. Funnily enough theres 20 odd other teams in each league also doing their best to become champions as well - So no league is ever easy. I would love to be on 6 points right now - but we are not - Still I've plenty of faith that we will be in the top 4 come Christmas time.
  22. RIP Markus Thank you for saving the club so many of us love. Without you we may not even have still been around. Too young to go - Thoughts are with the family, friends and Saints fans everywhere. A truly sad day
  23. FAR OUT... Seems there IS a real feel good feeling about the club - plus the 125th year. Perhaps this just was an unexpected demand for these... or is that too non-controversial enough for this forum
  24. Ha Ha - Well then I can understand the agro .... Mind you if the club had ordered several hundred in each size.....
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