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Saint Bones

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Everything posted by Saint Bones

  1. Sounds great - a nice cosy atompshere as well no doubt goes a long way to making it a less Us and Them feel. Good to hear.
  2. I'd like to see how that goes as Saga ,although not prolific for us, has plenty of energy and drive. Also like to see Cork and Pearce's loan contracts extended to the end of the year - They are getting games so surely it benifits Players, and both teams.
  3. Wouldn't mind having Stern back. I think McGoldrick will be good , but Stern gives us a more physical presence
  4. Sounds like he posed quite an attacking threat in the reserves, unlucky not to win it at the end with his second. Hopefully witha few more games under his belt he can go onto good things for Saints
  5. Ahhhh - So it's you ruining this club - I've seen the thread descibing you buggers
  6. According to Jp "He's a player that needs a lot of ball touches" Hmm, wonder how the rest of the team think about that
  7. Mate -Unsure what more you could ask for ?
  8. Firstly - because Saints are the team I support and I hope they Sh1te on every oposition team from a great height. Secondly - Ahhh don't be daft - Theres no need for a secondly - Didn't you read the firstly ! :D:D
  9. You might want to try and explain that one to me. I would Love all the stay aways to turn up to home games. WE NEED YOU. I'm an old dog mate - no new tricks here... but most of us old dogs are happy to chew on the same ol' bone regardless of who is feeding it to us. We support the bone and not the feeder. ( ha ha - Gees that's a pretty phucked up way to explain things... ahh bugger it - works for me ) Puff your chest out bud - Staying away is really putting one up the board. Pity it's also harming the team you SUPPORT ! BTW John - Mate - You may do whatever you want when you want. It's the beauty of it all. Most of all - Enjoy !
  10. u-huh. So you go from Crap to Gold. How the hell does that work ?
  11. and this week's Lotto numbers are ?
  12. But are not the stay away fans some 10 thousand strong ? Surely if they even returned for one away match - or outside a home match to prove to the board what was missing >?
  13. HA HA HA So the 'best' three of a crap league go into what MANY of you describe as the best league in the world. Complain about the weather, the economic outcast, or even the fact that your more tired then normal - but not something that is cleary not true. This league is one of the hardest to get out of because of it's equality - It's a class league that any manager will do anything to get out of ! If it's a crap league then your best English league is nothing more then average. I'm sure you don't believe that
  14. Someone who regularly attends games with Lowe and Wilde Just out of interest - and no disrespect meant ( considering my location ) but were you there ?
  15. Surely this annoucement had to happen at a certain time ? Anyone who thinks prior that we were going to pick up points against Reading away or even expecting us to beat Plymouth at home purely to wait for this annoucment has their knob in their hands. ( Me- After we'd beat Reading I had my Knob in my hand ! - not prior ) Why is there always something sinister happening at Southampton ? Or is it we have the biggest drama queen supporters ?
  16. John Smith - So, if he leaves soon and the crowds return, maybe we can avoid administration. The sooner Lowe resigns, the sooner this club can be saved. Do you understand? What a load of sh1te... There's no way that the Lowe stay aways can and will return to save this club. If they genuinely cared about the club they would be there already. Lowe IS NOT THE CLUB. Lets sort this out once and for all - Next AWAY game why dont all you I hate Lowe but love Saints fans come out in force - like you always threaten to do and show the board how much 'custom' they truly are missing out on.
  17. Right So who is going to put their money on the above not being there. So Fos1 - got a picture of everyone who went to the game - or are you Ruperts driver ? Unless you are in the hobnob crowd I imagine most of us wouldnt see Lowe or Wilde there.
  18. Mate - I can bet my ******** to a barn dance that the bank doesnt give two flying phuks about the team. They deal in dollars. Supporters watch the team - Shareholders watch the board. C'mon Saints - Shiiiite on Plymouth and bring us all back together. Nothing will change until results and attendances change
  19. What then is stopping him reclaiming the club ?
  20. I've tried but I still cant get around this statement. Isn't it putting money into the club to better the club - or do you think it goes straight from your wallet into Ruperts 'well padded' wallet. We are in bad financial position and this is when the collective Saints family need to support and help out. I cannot for the life of me see how people want administration let alone their 'supported' team to lose. It Lowes removal will get rid of barmy thoughts like this - I'm all for it - Seems Crazy is breeding around here. Until someone bails us out or we do go under however - all we have left is the team to support. All for looking for alternatives, and people having their opinions - but instead of just Lowe Out - can someone read me chapter 2 - What happens when Lowe does go ? How it was achieved ?
  21. Plymouth are indeed doing well this year ( I predicted a fall from this league for them - you can imagine how my foot tipping is going) They have a decent away form and I dare say they will pressure us early - especially as our home form is poor. The lads must be flying high after this win though and hopefully they can take that into the next game. I't sounded like we started playing from the offset this week instead of 20 mins into the game, hopefully we can continue that.
  22. Give it a rest Longshot - Do yourself a favour, forget the boardroom, the future and anything else that gets you down and just enjoy the fact that we won a very tough game. Why do we have to look down by the way ? I'd hazard a guess and say we have moved up. I've never known anyone to wallow in joy by the way No - it's ins't putting your head in the sand it's called enjoyment. Go on - I dare you. Here's to another win against Plymouth
  23. Excellent words ! Never a truer word spoken
  24. tough game - not that many of them are not. I guess a gutsy performance is all we can ask for and hope we get a point or three based on that performance. I wonder how many 'supporters' are hoping we lose this week too !
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