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Saint Bones

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Everything posted by Saint Bones

  1. Wow - Your Immigrants fly into the country. That's Style Most of ours come in rickety boats.
  2. He was actually called Maka Mint - Fate decided he was more Costa Lot Oh well.
  3. Out of interest , were most of those games Midweek ? I think our midweek record is pretty ordinary too ( Think that is - not sure )
  4. Ahh crap - Mega Edit
  5. Is this the "Off Mic" press conference ?
  6. The palace game is being shown live apparently. 4.30am (WA time) 3.30pm replay ( WA Time ) Or so i'm told - apologies if this is incorect. Also been told that ESPN or Setana will be showing highlights of FA Cup. I dont htink we have got the main game ( also unsure - all been told) I'm very positive however that I'm a Happy Perth Glory Supporter after this weekends win over the V's Lets hear some more from your A-league fans
  7. I'm a owner of an ex racing Hound. They make great pets - but far out - they are stinky f*ck*rs. Whats the more commonly owned pet in the UK ?
  8. Just a quick one. Shown this site to a PNE,Liverpool and Bolton Suppoter ( My mates - yes sad to say ) and they cannot believe the ammount of non football related ******** on here. Ahhh - keeps me posting Just thought I'd post comments from the outside PS - Wow Boll -Ocks is a ****** word, How about that
  9. :confused: Potentialy crap - oh hang on, that's a definate.
  10. I imagine the many that travelled to reading were thinking they were up for a roasting as well. Bet they are all chuffed to bits. Football and especially cup games can produce some memoriable moments. Even if we do get trounced , chances are you wll see some good football
  11. Imagine where we'd be with a 30+ goals scorer. Wow - look - this game works both ways Be proud of what KD has done - not try and turn it around. If he wasn't here some othher player would be goalie - and there is no way in the world anyone would know if he would do better or worse then KD Prozac City FC
  12. 5 pounds well spent
  13. Should you not ask yourself the same question ? Any comments on last nights game ?
  14. Seriously - Who gives a flying phuk ? If it's true - it proobabaly takes about 3 seconds out of his day. Give it a rest - This is just getting to PURE W@NK levels.
  15. :smt023 Well said. Lets hope we can - and hope even harder our club will truly become ours again. Clean sweep of the current board. Personally I believe Lowe is doing what he can to keep the wolves at bay - But the fan base split he causes is getting too much. Wilde should have been the mouth this season with Lowe a pretty much Ghost. Sadly I truly believe if Crouch, Wilde and Lowe could have worked together it would have been magic.
  16. No surety there. Yes, anyway I'd rather get relegated without the -10 points - if thats what comes to be.
  17. At least theres no suprises there. Sell - lets do EVERYTHING we can to stave off administration.
  18. Out of interest - how many people would our total sharebase be ( roughly ) Is there a majority major shareholders and thens hundreds of personal small owners ? Does every shareholder ( regardless of share ammounts ) have a say ?
  19. Far Out. I guess one thing we ALL can agree on is the boardrooms antics at Southampton have been very dispruptive to the fan base over the last few years. Relegation sure would not have helped - But oh for the days when football was the main topic. PS - Stanley - That's one kick arse Mo
  20. In our National league ( A-League ) we have a salary cap for the team and then a Marquee player who's wages are not included in this. It hasn't helped trying to lure to many names ( Well big names ) but the competition is normally fairly close each season. I just cant see how they can implement it in todays game with the difference between the haves and the have nots so immense.
  21. I'd love the balance of some one like Stern/Rasiak up front and said run all day player just behind him. Hopefully form a Beattie/Ormerod Partnership
  22. Fixed it for you Alps
  23. Ha Ha Ha Who need's to get over themself ? I'd rather have my head in the sand then firmly up my own arse. You wanted the Saints to lose - You started a thread on it - You CAN NOT call yourself a supporter. Follow ther rules and don't post on the main board.
  24. and with those statements you prove without a doubt you are a w@nker of the highest order. Do us all a favour and go and support united then.
  25. Not knowing a great deal about him Chez - What would you say Pattersons best attirbutes are ? EDIT Sorry Mate - just spotted your thread - Off I go
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