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Everything posted by Milton

  1. Loved the celebrations coming out of the Stadium and to be fair the Leeds fans we encountered were very friendly and gracious in defeat.
  2. Markus is a legend add him to the banner
  3. Fans were just magnificent
  4. To the tune 'Hey Mickey' Oh Boufal, you're Sofiane You're Sofiane you blow my mind, hey Boufal, Hey Boufal Oh Boufal, you're Sofiane You're Sofiane you blow my mind, hey Boufal, Hey Boufal
  5. At last someone who saw the game as I did
  6. Totally this!
  7. They should get their money back after that display
  8. One of our greatest ever players ????
  9. Brilliant work Halo
  10. And me. I think we were 1-nil up at half time
  11. Brilliant
  12. I think some people on this forum need to get a grip! We are a young, still improving team, full of English youngsters who, (certainly in the first half) gave a side who are chasing Champions League football and cost millions a right good game. Sure we bottled in the second half but I would take this team and the Manager over most outside the top four at the moment.
  13. Top post Gemmel
  14. Roy of the Rovers stuff! Well chuffed for Rickie, what a debut
  15. Absolute hero of mine and a true Saints Legend. RIP Big Ron
  16. Hey Nicola! Here’s an idea, why not find out from your customers what they actually want. Most Saints supporters I know don’t want Champions League football. We want a club that treats its employees properly and a club we’re proud to support, even if this is in a lower division. I was proud to have a young up and coming English manager in charge of my team (yes my team not yours) and proud of the way he managed the team into the Premier League. Nigel is a loyal, thoroughly decent man who oozed positivity (qualities sadly missing from some I am afraid) and is sure to be snapped up quickly. I think Marcus will be looking down on you with his Saints scarf wrapped tightly around his neck, shaking his head thinking like most of us as to what a stupid arrogant decision this is by someone who has been fortunate to have this club left to him to play with.
  17. Brilliant result and great tactics by Nigel
  18. Outstanding performance, so proud of the lads. Have Saints ever had a better manager than Atkins?
  19. Get well soon Whitey
  20. What an emotional day, fantastic team, fans and manager. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would go through the divisions so quickly. Big, big credit to Nigel one of the best Saints managers ever.
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