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Everything posted by leithsaint

  1. http://www.sbnation.com/soccer/2014/2/24/5441832/premier-league-race-for-eighth-southampton-newcastle season not over yet!
  2. leithsaint


    Or, a third option, stay in the same place.
  3. This is why I never had a position target (8th, top half etc) but a points target. Always has been, still is, 54 points. As far as I'm concerned we need 24 points from the last 17 games. To my mind this would represent a decent improvement on last season. Would then expect further improvement next season.
  4. Am I the only person who is unconcerned with the specific placing in the table, and looks more at a decent improvement on last seasons points tally? To my mind a points total of 54 would be a very good improvement on last season. IF Saints got close to this total I would then hope that the next season would see an improvement again, something in the low 60s. I guess some people within the club have mentioned challenging for the top 4, I wouldn't discourage that, it's called ambition.
  5. oops wrong thread.
  6. Am I the only person who is unconcerned with the specific placing in the table, and looks more at a decent improvement on last seasons points tally. To my mind a points total of 54 would be a very good improvement on last season. I guess some people within the club have mentioned challenging for the top 4, I wouldn't discourage that, it's called ambition.
  7. Feeling more positive now. Chelsea team not as strong as I thought it would be, though they seem to have more 'game changers' on the bench.
  8. http://www.ligue1.com/ligue1/article/why-mayuka-is-renard-s-fox-in-the-box.htm
  9. Scored again yesterday. They lost. Again.
  10. Got his second yesterday. Equalised in the 74th minute to help Sochaux get a 1-1 draw. Still bottom on 8 points though.
  11. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1716w6_marseille-1-1-sochaux-amazing-goal-emmanuel-mayuka_sport
  12. wanyama did exactly the same thing last week but they got away with it. I'm sure Boruc will be having a quiet word. Osvaldo looked sharp when he came on, pleased there was a fourth to put an exclamation point on the game.
  13. Osvaldos missus at the albert hall, watching a Ronnie wood concert.......Osvaldo a big rolling stones fan, presume he his there? Surely the rest of the squad will be in a hotel near stoke by now. 2+2 = ?
  14. Davis in for J Rod. Otherwise, the same as last weekend.
  15. we were all young once.
  16. Wait, benteke is out for 6 weeks? Woah, that is bad news for villa.
  17. Funny how the angle you have really affects your perception of the save. From where I was in the stand I thought the ball was going right in the top corner, and that Boruc had just managed to touch around the post. I was a doubter when he arrived, glad that he has proven to be a really good signing so far.
  18. When I heard Sweden had scored, I joked that Svensson was the scorer. Brilliant. It seems like a lifetime ago that he was playing for Saints and here he is, still scoring meaningful goals on the international stage.
  19. And that is the end of that.
  20. That's twice in a week that I have woken up and thought I dreamt something, then realised that it actually happened! That is a great feeling! Firstly, when he was picked for the squad, and secondly, when he came off the bench to score the winning goal in a 3-2 win against Scotland at Wembley.
  21. Doesn't matter, so much money in football it would be almost impossible to spend it all - imagine a scenario like that film Brewsters Millions.
  22. I just want to know what a **** flicking contest is. What kind of points system is used? It is rather quiet, but I can imagine Cortese would gain great satisfaction from genuinely surprising everyone with some blockbuster transfer.
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/teampages/southampton.html
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