I am not anti Cortese but I do think this is an own goal.
Not worried much about the sun but the Echo reports for the local community many of whom cannot get to matches for various reasons but want to read a match report.
To take it to the nationals by upseting them means no national reports for the many fans home and abroad who want an independent view of proceedings and not rely on the slant of Cortese's official site.
Upset the nationals and suddenly Sky get involved. What if they decide not to cover Saints matches for the rest of the season? No hardship you might say but we get revenue from live matches and surely that is what Cortese wants to do, maximise revenue streams.
Later in the season Cortese will be looking for sponsorship deals for next season. Who is going to want to pay over money when the exposure is going to be so limited? Another revenue stream gone!
Cortese is no fool and may have taken this all into account or he may be so green as to the way of football and the media in this country that he has misread the situation.
Minty and FloridaMarlin (postings on the original thread) understand the issues. Readers would do well heeding their comments. So would Mr Cortese in my opinion.