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TBone-Tone's Achievements

  1. I was hoping for a more exciting open game, and went 2-2 :-(
  2. Congratulation to Painswick Saint on winning the Prediction League ..... great effort!
  3. New Keeper = Marshall or Ruddy ... depending on who gets relegated Centre Back = Caulker or Micah Richards Up Front = 2 of Bony, Aspas, Victor Moses or Redmond New creative Number 10 required. And if Shaw leaves then bring in Bertrand from Chelsea.
  4. That's a Monday night game :-)
  5. No, not after the OG!
  6. Congratulations to Howard and his team who have been head and shoulders above any other officials in this tournament. Hope you have a good final.
  7. After yesterday's performance, I would like to see Nicky Bailey signed in the summer.
  8. Just managed to order mine online ..... happy days!
  9. Lets just wallop Leeds next week.
  10. Oops forgot to mention Legod predicted the result on 24th Feb.
  11. This has to be the best predication for a long time!!! Well done Legod.
  12. Absolutely gutted. I was hoping to buy mine and my son's tickets during the 3rd buying period. But unfortunately I buy all the tickets so he doesn't have a customer number so am I restricted to 1 ticket. Not sure how they expect a 7 year old to buy tickets! Looks like I am going to be chancing my arm in the General Sale lottery, if there are any left!
  13. New Eltham for me. Full of Charlton and Millwall.
  14. Does this mean they will be sponsored by Norman Cook's record label next season 'SKINT'?
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