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torsaint's Achievements

  1. Very interested if still available. Not sure how to pm, so will give you my moby no if required.
  2. Agree.
  3. Think it was me. I was next to a very knowledgeable gentleman in seat 6. Thanks for your comments, kind sir. Agree with all you say in above.
  4. Mick Mills at LB or Nick Holmes?
  5. Expect Reid and Ralph are spending more time looking for their next jobs after relegation. Same with our better players. The club is riddled with complacency.
  6. Reminds me of Portvliet.
  7. Yes - saw the shooting practice before the game. It was diabolical so no surprise we didn't score.
  8. Ian Branfoot is ready and willing to step in at short notice. Feels he has to finish the job he left behind.
  9. Hear hear!
  10. Many thanks
  11. What about the reverse reverse psychology card. Surprise everyone including Burnley with an unexpected appearance?
  12. Anyone in Central Somerset, Rose and Crown Wells showing the match.
  13. Bring in best refs from Europe.
  14. Seriously funny[quoteLoving the voodoo doll you can get for him http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/4972426.htm#pdpProductReviews
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