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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Over to you, Dame Shirley:
  2. What's that worth though? Can we really see the PFA kicking PFC out of their ground and selling it off? In an ordinary business that might happen, but would the PFA want to be seen as effectively killing of a football club? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  3. One of the commenters even tried to suggest that some of the abusive tweets came from "scummahs". Yeah, and Nottarf Krap was full of Saints fans doing all that booing. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  4. He'll kill himself one day, but the Ukrainian guy will beat him to it. But this kind of risk taking is part of the human condition - there will always be people who put themselves at risk, and I guess I'd rather they did things that didn't put others at risk as well (eg driving recklessly on the road). They're still complete nutters, though! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  5. And that worked out well, didn't it? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  6. Ric


    It's difficult to give a clear recommendation - they are actually very similar in most respects. The two obvious differences are: 1. You can buy the PS4 without a camera, making it a bit cheaper. Go for a bundle with the camera included (XBox One doesn't give you a choice) and the prices are about the same. 2. XBox One is designed as being an all-in-one media centre, whilst PS4 is very much a games machine. You can't now play online games for free on either system - you'll need a Playstation Plus subscription to play PS4 online. But it does give you (small) discounts on some games - and some good, occasionally extremely good, games for free. Me? I had the PS3 and now have the PS4, but I can't really comment on the XBox One as I've not tried one out.
  7. I got FIFA 14 with my PS4, and whilst it looks beautiful and plays very smoothly, I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with many aspects of it: My players running into each other The ref getting in the way Shots from inside the box always going straight to the keeper Ridiculous number of shots hitting the bar/post Difficulty of scoring goals - unless you've perfected the lobbed through ball technique Obvious fouls not being given Yes, I can confirm I'm not very good at playing the game - let's take that as a given. My two questions are: 1. Are my frustrations fair, or would they all go away if I was just better at FIFA? 2. If my frustrations are fair, what's the best footy game for being fun to play, for not being over reliant on just one or two methods to score? An earlier version of FIFA or PES?
  8. Richie Barker's interviews are staggering - he's clearly not bothered about morale in the camp. Whichever way you look at it, it's bizarre: He could be trying to put pressure on the directors to give him the means to make wholesale changes to the squad in January - has he not been told that they can't spend out on transfer fees? Or he's just realised just how big the abyss is that PFC is now looking into. In the video interview, he says in one breath that "it's not the attitude" of players - and then immediately contradicts himself by saying that some of them don't have enough desire to win - well, if that's not a failure in attitude, I don't know what is! Whatever the reasons, if I was a skate, I'd be wondering already if getting shot of Whittingham was actually a *big* mistake. Life sucks, eh?
  9. Genius, rallyboy, pure genius :-) Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  10. Indeed. You'll never find a player liked and respected by everyone, and vice versa. Eg somebody somewhere likes John Terry. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  11. They will have got the rights - no doubt that's why they needed to sell so many tickets to break even. I remember going to The Dell to watch Charlton v Saints on a live TV feed. We had an even worse performance. Best moment was David Howells pulling off a great save, and the ref giving a goal kick. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  12. Ric


    It's inevitable that there will be PSN problems when it launches here... The network will be hit soooo hard. We'll just have to put up with it I'm afraid. It will almost be worth not taking the day off and letting things settle down. Almost ;-) Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  13. Ahh, it seems that the JPT is rapidly returning to being the worthless paintpot trophy that they didn't want to win anyway... Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
  14. Playing in a stadium that nice... I expect it'd be a bit like the skates' cup final. Good job that the ref seems not to have been overawed by the big occasion. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  15. Ric

    Gta v

    I'm not sure about the evidence that that works. Some people have said they've spent ages attacking the assets of one company, whilst invested in their rivals, and it's made no difference whatsoever. There's an article on IGN about it. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  16. Ric

    Gta v

    Essentially you need to save all of Franklin's missions for Lester until the end of the story, then invest based on those missions. I'm attempting to do this on my second play-through. I think that will be boring to keep all your money tidied away waiting for the end, so I'm buying a few properties early on that I think I should make back my investment and more by the time I reach the end of the game. The others that are ridiculously expensive I'll leave until the end before I buy them.
  17. I'd love to see how that message is received on POL. Playing Portsmouth isn't a "cup final"? Who'd have believed that? :-D Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  18. Ric

    Gta v

    Finished it yesterday. Great storyline, but I'm struggling to understand the point of money and property. Beyond aiming for trophies / achievements, is there any point buying properties and building cash after the end of the game? Nothing you do in the single player game will affect the online game will it? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  19. Ric

    Gta v

    Totally agreed. I didn't warm to him at first, but then I realised that playing as Trevor gives you complete licence to be utterly random. Whereas I can empathise with the characters of Michael and Franklin, it seems less likely that they'd just spot a security van and think "Ah, let's just blow the doors of this and grab the money". It's exactly what Trevor would do. Oddly, playing as Trevor I also feel that he's the kind of person that would see someone getting mugged on the side of the street - and would then kill the mugger and return the wallet/purse. He definitely has a good side like that
  20. Ric

    Gta v

    My code didn't work to begin with. A few other PS3 owning friends also had that problem. I was trying to get it sorted out with Amazon, Sony and Rockstar, but I gave it one last go this afternoon and the code finally worked. Was really cool and chilled... You could go very, very high and it's very easy to control. Cool :-) Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  21. Ric

    Gta v

    You have to do a lot of juggling between the characters and keep an eye on how many missions each character has ready and available to play. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 4
  22. Ric

    Gta v

    GTA V "Gameplay videos and previews" on Thursday: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/12/grand-theft-auto-online-reveal-coming-august-15 I usually get a bit cynical about games with so much hype, but I'm totally expecting GTA V to deliver. It's going to be awesome!
  23. And that with the reduced capacity, I assume?
  24. Yeah, but if your ship is sinking you'll grab hold of any bit of floating wood, however flimsy. What interests me is how they'll react if they lose to Accrington...
  25. Ric


    The problem for the XBox One is that even if the games are cheaper, taking the PS4 option puts you £80 in pocket to start with. Hard to argue against that. As for developers: well, they'll develop for both consoles anyway. And if the PS4 steals a big march on the XB1, then that's all the more incentive to release games on the PS4. After all, if a developer sells more copies of their game on the PS4 they'll make more money - irrespective of the 2nd hand market. From the user's point of view, £80 up to start with, the freedom to play used games (saving more cash), and not needing to connect to the Internet every day - bit of a no-brainer.
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