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Everything posted by Bevans

  1. Yep I have had exactly the same. I think (but could be wrong) that the club, at least for me, took the first payment in August instead of July when they were supposed to so the January payment should be the last.
  2. Someone on the bus, I was unfortunately sat next to him.... he was a prat..... just kept on getting his arse out, not a treat.
  3. Too f*****g right, gonna storm their end, you up for it?
  4. Block 2 is definitely open... I just bought two tickets in it
  5. S*** draw, can't stand either team or their s***hole grounds.
  6. CFSCF I didn't see that was you!
  7. Classic, who are you to say people that don't go to certain games don't genuinely support their (note the spelling of the word) team? People don't go to away games up north for a number of reasons that have been listed on this thread and probably scores of other threads before. It is however slightly odd that we don't have a better following up north when other 'similar' teams do, in all honesty I can't think of any reason other than the fact that it is further for us than most (not sure about Pompey and Bournemouth's followings to similar matches?). Most of the reasons that have been mentiond here (money, family, work etc) will hold for any team so don't really justify the apparent lack of support. And no, I'm not going, as I'm skint and I couldn't find anyone too split the petrol costs with.
  8. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2361961,00.html Jaidi 1 year extension
  9. It's times like this that I need to have paid my fiver!!!!!!!! Could I be cheeky and ask you to email me? bevans1986@gmail.com
  10. Thanks Hemel Saint, I'll look into the Devonport then!
  11. Can't find anyone with spares in the away end so will prob end up geting tickets in the home end. Anyone know stands / areas to avoid? Also those of you in the home end where are you sat?
  12. I would agree with that. Antonio was not having a particularly bad game (taking into account the overall performances) however Puncheon in the middle, especially with Hammond looking somewhat non-existent, really wasn't working. Personally I would have taken Lallana off because he seemed to struggle all night and stuck Punch on the left and bring Wotton on in the middle. I have to say that I don't think it's a coincidence that we were woeful with Morgan out of the side. He is central (literally) to the way we play and we looked rather lost without him, the ideas just weren't there from the middle of the park. I'd be interested to know (should anybody have the inclination to look it up) what our stats are like with / without Morgan in the side?
  13. You may have a point however I felt it was something other people may have been interested to see. I certainly did not see it as glorifying their actions or behaviour.
  14. Um excuse me darling but I did nothing of the sort. I found the link on the Echo site and posted it here, simple.
  15. We really do have a large number of cretins following our team:
  16. Just asked my Bremen supporting mate and apparently Tosic is awful...........
  17. I just read it again it doesn't say he is a CB, I must have put two and two together on the basis that they are struggling for fit / available CB's and they just signed a DF. Regardless lets hope he is s****.
  18. Pompey signed Tosic from Werder Bremen, is he any good? BBC says he is a centre back and that they are awaiting international clearance: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/fa_cup/8506623.stm
  19. Mines the same it's a pain!
  20. Can't believe it first time i've left a game early and that happens! My lift was leaving at 85 mins and I didn't fancy the 8 mile walk in the cold......
  21. From the Kingsland / Chapel corner it was definitely in. The linesman on our side was dreadful most of the game and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that it crossed the line.
  22. I went to see Werder Bremen v Hannover 96 on Sunday it cost a paltry 13 Euros for a ticket. Fine German football isn't the best in the world but that's makes our tickets (and I mean English football in general as well as Saints) look really pricey.
  23. "Have the re-birth of a completely new Southampton. We keep our identity but have to start from zero. We have a crystal ball to hand and know that it would take 10 years to build momentum and regain league status" Without doubt
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